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Absolutely true. Stubborn people's thoughts bind them to a certain boundary, and they do not think beyond it.
One of the reasons that stubborn people are the way they are is because they hate to be wrong. They think that they know the best way to do everything, and therefore, they may be a bit sensitive when they are told that there are other ways to do things; they may view a difference in opinion as a personal attack even if you mean no harm. So, when you talk to stubborn people, try to make them feel good about themselves by offering them a bit more of their side first. Just make sure it's sincere and that it doesn't sound like you're just sucking up to get your way. Their pre-determined thoughts are controlling them in a big way and a little bit difficult to deal with them to change their way of thinking till they are cent per cent convinced that too from more than a single source.
Yes, Agree
It's no fun to try to convince a stubborn person to do what you want. Dealing with stubborn people can be very frustrating and exhausting, whether you're talking to a co-worker or your own mother. But if you understand that stubborn people are just afraid of bruising their egos and doing something new, you can make them feel more comfortable -- and convince them to see your side of the story.
Stubborn people can only think for personal purpose not for solution.
Yes I agree, that's why they cannot change their thoughts even if they know they are wrong.
Well, stubborn always try to tell never tries to do, I agree with Mr. Sallam
Agreed with the statement and also with the explanations given by colleagues.
I agree
yes i agree WITH YOU BECAUSE When I think back on which characters in literature are the most memorable and exciting for me, the one trait I find in common with all of them is that they are stubborn.