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Photography " art or business "?

<h3><strong>this is just an Open discussion &gt;&gt;&gt; what do you think about Photography .. is it just a business or an  ART  , is the professional photographer who can Earn money from taking Photos ?? do you have to be talented to be a professional Photographer </strong></h3>

Question added by Mostafa El Noby , wedding & Commercial Photographer , freelancer
Date Posted: 2014/11/02
vishal khalid
by vishal khalid , S.C.E , samsung mobile india pvt ltd

photography is pure art, at the same time it is a good business. if any one take photography only an art he will loos it some where, if any one take it only a bussines he will loos his passion and productivity. so according to me photography is art and business too.

Čhaudhary Ğhalib
by Čhaudhary Ğhalib , photos editor , ali photo studio

if i got the chance i will prove ,y self in this feild and becomes professional also


John Denver Palado
by John Denver Palado , Architecture Designer and 3D modeler , Gulfcraftinc LLC. inc.

Photography is initially a form of Art through the methods used to come up with a beautiful photograph, though it's debatable whether it's really a form of Art or as a merely science of light. For passionate individuals who care not about earning, then Photography is a form of Art by expressing ideas and putting into a composition some sort of a poetry. A professional Photographer deals with copyright and are paid by taking photos of events or any assignments needed as a content for advertising or news. A good photographer possess one thing in common, which is persistence and patience along with it. Talent is by nature of a person while skills are acquired through years of experience (real life application). 

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