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What is "segment reporting" ?

Question added by VENKITARAMAN KRISHNA MOORTHY VRINDAVAN , Project Execution Manager & Accounts Manager , ALI INTERNATIONAL TRADING EST.
Date Posted: 2014/11/13
Sara Khan
by Sara Khan , financial and admin assistant , Ministry Of Defence

Already enough answers...Thanks Sir for the invitation

Viswanathan P S
by Viswanathan P S , Director , Imaging Supplies India Pvt.Ltd.

A business house may have more than one business.Separate reports are required for eachments to monitor activity and profitability

Ayyub khan Ibrahim Khan Deshmukh
by Ayyub khan Ibrahim Khan Deshmukh , Finance Manager , Ahmad Al-Sarraf General Trading & Contracting Est.

Segment reporting is the reporting of the operating segments of a company in the disclosures accompanying its financial statements. Segment reporting is required for publicly-held entities, and is not required for privately held ones.

Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Segment reporting is the reporting of the operating segments of a company in the disclosures accompanying its financial statements. Segment reporting is required for publicly-held entities, and is not required for privately held ones. Segment reporting is intended to give information to investors and creditors regarding the financial results and position of the most important operating units of a company, which they can use as the basis for decisions related to the company.

Under Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), an operating segment engages in business activities from which it may earn revenue and incur expenses, has discrete financial information available, and whose results are regularly reviewed by the entity's chief operating decision maker for performance assessment and resource allocation decisions. Follow these rules to determine which segments need to be reported:

  • Aggregate the results of two or more segemnts if they have similar products, services, processes, customers, distribution methods, and regulatory environments.
  • Report a segment if it has at least10% of the revenues,10% of the profit or loss, or10% of the combined assets of the entity.
  • If the total revenue of the segments you have selected under the preceding criteria comprise less than75% of the entity's total revenue, then add more segments until you reach that threshold.
  • You can add more segments beyond the minimum just noted, but consider a reduction if the total exceeds ten segments.

The information you should include in segment reporting includes:

  • The factors used to identify reportable segments
  • The types of products and services sold by each segment
  • The basis of organization (such as being organized around a geographic region, product line, and so forth)
  • Revenues
  • Interest expense
  • Depreciation and amortization
  • Material expense items
  • Equity method interests in other entities
  • Income tax expense or income
  • Extraordinary items
  • Other material non-cash items
  • Profit or loss

The segment reporting requirements under International Financial Reporting Standards are essentially identical to the requirements just noted under GAAP.


georgei assi
by georgei assi , مدير حسابات , المجموعة السورية

Agreed with colleagues answers


Ednalyn Banuelos, CMA
by Ednalyn Banuelos, CMA , Projects Accountant , Grade Ref., LLC

IAS14 Segment reporting requires reporting of financial information by business or geographical area. It requires disclosures for primary and secondary segment reporting formats, with the primary format based on whether the entity's risks and returns are affected predominantly by the products and services it produces or by the fact that it operates in different geographical areas.It applies to entities whose equity or debt securities are publicly traded and to entities in the process of issuing securities to the public. IAS14 Segment reporting is superseded by IFRS8 Operating Segments effective for Annual period beginning01 January2009.

Malik Khalid Mahmood
by Malik Khalid Mahmood , Regional Finance Manager , Leosons International FZ LLC

Segment reporting by

1. Business area

2. Geographical area

by FITAH MOHAMED , Financial Manager , FUEL AND ENERGY CO for transportion petroleum materials