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What is the difference between ( manager & leader) and whichever is the most successful in the fields of business management?

Question added by hossam azzam , Fast food restaurant,s manager. , alexandria-egypt
Date Posted: 2014/11/29
Bassam AL - Mujamami
by Bassam AL - Mujamami , مدير الموارد البشرية والشئون الإدارية , Bin Mariee Group

I agree with all answers specially answer of D. Mohamed Al jafal and Muhammad Ahmed

Deleted user
by Deleted user

My brother Hossam I've missed you .... Commander when he has expertise in the Organization of work and management well be awesome and best director and Director often lacked the powers of the leader and had a wide experience has not pass her limits and must refer to the leader and remains dominant and successful Commander

Sara Amer
by Sara Amer , Program deputy Manager , German Cooperation for development (GIZ)




Essence Change Stability Focus Leading people Managing work Have Followers Subordinates Horizon Long-term Short-term Seeks Vision Objectives Approach Sets direction  Plans detail Decision Facilitates Makes Power Personal charisma Formal authority Appeal to Heart Head Energy Passion Control Culture Shapes Enacts Dynamic Proactive Reactive Persuasion Sell Tell Style Transformational Transactional Exchange Excitement for work Money for work Likes Striving Action Wants Achievement Results Risk Takes Minimizes Rules Breaks Makes Conflict Uses Avoids Direction New roads Existing roads Truth Seeks Establishes Concern What is right Being right Credit Gives Takes Blame Takes

Divyesh Patel
by Divyesh Patel , Assistant Professional Officer- Treasury , City Of Cape Town

  1. The leader innovates whereas the manager administers.
  2. The leader inspires trust whereas the manager relies on control.

The leader is more successful.




Leader follows a strategic approach while manager follows a tactical approach for management

Raafat Sallam
by Raafat Sallam , Organizational Development and Training Consultant , Training Centers, Marketing Organizations.

The first part of the question was discussed before many times.But the business needs leaders to make the difference and the value innovation

Deleted user
by Deleted user


The important question in our issue is (Which is the main and which is the branch Management and Leadership?)  A Management is overall handling of any organization, whereas leadership is a part of Management which deals with administration and applying  the policies developed by the management.   I think so

فؤاد أحمد حسين
by فؤاد أحمد حسين , مدير , حكومي

Thank you my dear brother for your invitation ,,,  Well,,I respect and agree with all the answers brothers, each according to his point of view has been the voice of all of them and from my point of view to say that. Management relies heavily on tangible measurable capabilities such as effective planning; the use of organizational systems; and the use of appropriate communications methods. Leadership involves many management skills, but generally as a secondary or background function of true leadership. Leadership instead relies most strongly on less tangible and less measurable things like trust, inspiration, attitude, decision-making, and personal character. These are not processes or skills or even necessarily the result of experience. They are facets of humanity, and are enabled mainly by the leader's character and especially his/her emotional reserves. Another way to see leadership compared with management, is that leadership does not crucially depend on the type of management methods and processes a leaders uses; leadership instead primarily depends on the ways in which the leader uses management methods and processes. 

Good leadership depends on attitudinal qualities, not management processes.Humanity is a way to describe these qualities, because this reflects the leader's vital relationship with people. 

Qualities critical for a leader's relationship with his/her people are quite different to conventional skills and processes. Whatever the size of the organization, operational activities need to be reconcilable with a single congruent (fitting, harmonious) philosophy.Executives, managers, staff, customers, suppliers, stakeholders, etc., need solid philosophical principles (another term would be a 'frame of reference') to base their expectations, decisions and actions. In a vast complex organization , leadership will be very challenging at the best of times due to reasons of size, diversity, political and public interest, etc. Having a conflicting philosophy dramatically increases these difficulties for everyone, not least the leader, because the frame of reference is confusing. 

For leadership to work well, people (employees and interested outsiders) must be able to connect their expectations, aims and activities to a basic purpose or philosophy of the organization. This foundational philosophy should provide vital reference points for employees' decisions and actions - an increasingly significant factor in modern 'empowered' organizations. Seeing a clear philosophy and purpose is also essential for staff, customers and outsiders in assessing crucial organizational characteristics such as integrity, ethics, fairness, quality and performance. A clear philosophy is vital to the 'psychological contract' - whether stated or unstated (almost always unstated) - on which people (employees, customers or observers) tend to judge their relationships and transactions . Therefore, we say the remaining requirements for success of leadership or management depends on the type and nature of the activity of the institution


Omair Abduljaleel Ali Al-Quliey
by Omair Abduljaleel Ali Al-Quliey , مدير لمكتب المهندسين اليمنيين , مكتبي مكتب المهندسين اليمنيين

I'm with answer of Medhat Radwan>>>

Ehab Fouad Mohamed Hassan
by Ehab Fouad Mohamed Hassan

Please check the questions I asked before you will find the answer you seek.

Thank you

Ameen Alolofi
by Ameen Alolofi , مهندس مدني , وزارة الاشغال العامة والطرق

leader is born whereas manager is made

leader make decisions whereas manager give advantage to make them

leader hold responsibility whereas manager is not

leader face challenge whereas manager is not

 leader set goals whereas manager is not

leader face challenge whereas manager is escape them

leader innovate opinion whereas manager get orders

leader break into problem whereas manager analysis them

leader care for others whereas manager care for work



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