Sameer Ahmed , Operation Manager - Bakery Division , Cakes & Co. - Alseedawi Sweets Factories Co
Quite ironic to find this question since i was just reading a book by Hayley Solich and here is one of his quotes within the chapters:
“It is easy to find a bad manager, but much harder to find a successful one. So what makes a manager successful? Here are my top ten qualities of a successful manager:”
According to Mr. Hayley, the below mentioned are some of the major qualities required by a manager in order to lead a successfull self persona and as a chain reaction it will create a successful administration.1. Demonstrate Integrity
- A manager should walk the talk and “Lead by example” which is the first quality that makes a manager a stand out.2. Deal Honestly and Diplomatically
- A manager, who owns their mistakes, deals openly, and honestly with others, earns the respect of those they are trying to lead.3. Demonstrate Flexibility
- A manager needs to be responsive to the needs of the business and employees4. Show Commitment and Reliability
- Delivering on promises demonstrates reliable and promotes trust5. Listen Effectively
- First understand then be understood’6. Be a Good Negotiator
- A manager needs to come to the table prepared to give a little that the outcome is a positive one for everyone, and guarantee the opportunity for further negotiations in the future7. Is a Thorough Planner
– ‘If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.’ This saying is especially true for managing. A manager is a coach to their team and the team are looking to them for the game plan.8. Is fair
- Do not take sides, show favoritism or victimize those they are supervising9. Know How to Have Fun with a Good Sense of Humor
- Promote a safe and happy work environment where appropriate fun is embraced10. Seek to Understand Their Workers
- Accurately assess the skills, abilities and personalities of their work team
Becoming a successful manager is a journey; however, if these attributes are resident within the individual, motivating a team to follow will be as simple as breathing. All work teams are longing for successful management but a successful manager will only be as successful as the weakest member of his team.
joseph naoum , Quality manager and food safety team leader , Hawa chicken
"Lead by example" is one of the most important characteristics of a successful manager. However, there are many other points to be highlighted: keeping a high level of communication with the team,Setting goals, targets, sharing the big vision (which is is a good strategy to involve every team member), Coaching: an essential practice to apply. I think that the "open door" policy should be always applied. Trust and seek to be trusted. Avoid being a leader by power and by hierarchie. Do not be afraid to delegate.
يجب على المدير اولا تحديد الأهداف حيث يجب على كل مدير أن يكون قادراً على تحديد ما يحتاج إليه أو يريده
ومن اهم مميزات المدير ان يكسب صداقة ومحبة كل موظفيه ويحثهم على اداء العمل بكل نجاح وتفانى المؤسسة التي يعملون بها (العمل بروح الفريق الواحد ) وان يحافظ على بقاءافضل الموظفين لديه وذلك بمكافئتهم بما يستحقون من ترقيات وغيره .
اما الادارى الناجح فهو الذى يستطيع فرض شخصيته وفكرة الناجح بكل مهاره بدون تسلط او ظلم .
و الادارى الناجح من يستطيع وضع بصمة له تميزه عمن سبقوه بتقديم اعلى مستوي خدمه وتطويرها للافضل .