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'The implementation of the ALM based on HOP triptych : Human (teams), tools (technology), process (the method). The success of this approach is based on both the technological choices and the establishment of teams, collaborative processes within the boundaries of the three pillars outlined above.
i. ALM Information Systems
o Management Information Systems
o Information availability, accuracy, adequacy and expediency
ii. ALM Organisation
o Structure and responsibilities
o Level of top management involvement
iii. ALM Process
o Risk parameters
o Risk identification
o Risk measurement
o Risk management
o Risk policies and tolerance levels.
I Agree mr. Jetley, thank you
ALM info. Sys.
ALM Org.
ALM Process
Agree with Mr Vinod
Asset Liability Management (ALM) = Information+ Organisational system+ Process
I agree also with Mr. Vinod Jetley
I agree with Mr. Mustafa
Totally agree with Vinod Jetley
Agree with Vinod due to proper clarification...
I agreed with Mr. Jetley answer.