Definitely yes, with experience comes the ability to cope in uncertain and challenging scenarios. Having gone through a similar situation before gives you confidence on ability to do it again. This confidence has that calming effect on you and on the people around you which is very important especially in a team environment.
RANIA KHALAF , Business Development Specialist - Freelancer , Future Visions Group
Sure. Life experience gives you a deeper vision on how you look at things and people around you. It helps you better deal with certain situations, and better evaluate things around you! It makes you deal with things in more professional and practical away, not emotional and builds your character and personality!
الى حد مآ اكتسبت خبرة في الحياة بالمستوى الذي يفيدني لتوجيه من هم بعدي وكذلك خبرتي العملية ولكن لا ادعي بأنها كافية. فالحياة مليئة بالغرائب والمثل المصري يقول اللي يعيش ياما يشوف.
According to the Merriam Webster the Word experience means "direct observation of or participation in events as a basis of knowledge". Every one knows that the knowledge is the key of success in every field of work. Every experience has its worth, place and value, no matter from where you are getting that. Sometime your household experience give you immense support in your professional life, and of course professional experiences are something which are always helpful in every part of your life.
No one enters in his/her professional life right after the birth, but everyone start getting experiences from the day one of his/her arrival in this world. Usually a man or a woman starts his/her career after at least20 years of his life. This is the earlier part of our life which makes up our minds, habits and behaviors which always remain with us in our professional lives. So there's no doubt that our life experiences always remain equal valuable with our professional experiences and observations, because life is profession and our professions are our live. :)