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How do children learn?

Question added by Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company
Date Posted: 2015/01/16
by AHMED IMRUL KAYES , Senior Consultant , HR Bangladesh Ltd.

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1st from Mother.

2nd from School.

3rd from Environment.


Corina Stanciu
by Corina Stanciu , International Recruiter , Ubisoft

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Children learn by listening and watching, but especially by doing. They need to feel valued because confidence leads to trying new things. Communication-talk to them, but most important listen to them also. Cope with their creativity, that's how they express thoughts and feelings.

They learn from their family, it's true, but think about the amount of time spent in kindergartens, schools, with colleagues and friends. Last, but not the least, technology. These days they know more about it than most adults.


Saiful Islam Hiron
by Saiful Islam Hiron , Site HR Manager , Handicap International

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1. Parent.

2. School

3. Family members.

4. Community.

5. Relatives.


by LABIB KOOLI , Director of the Sectoral Center for Training in Hotel Technologies at Southern Hammamet , Tunisian Vocational Training Agency (ATFP)

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I would add that children learn much for TV cables and internet.

Rogelio Balolot
by Rogelio Balolot , Chef , La Cuisine French Restaurant

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Generally from their environment. Environment includes family, neighbors, school etc.  And environment determines their behavioral pattern and cognitive growth. 

Sabahat Usman
by Sabahat Usman , Member of Advisory Review Board , Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences

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 four modes of learning: visual, auditory, kinesthetic and tactile. These modalities are based upon the use of the five senses involved with the learning process. Which sense the child prefers determines the student’s learning style.

  • Visual learners best remember what is seen.
  • Auditory learners best remember what is heard.
  • Kinesthetic learners learn best by doing, experimenting and involvement.
  • Tactile learners like to use their hands and fingers to learn.

As Saleh
by As Saleh , Recruitment Manager , Saudi House Recruitment

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Children learn about teamwork - using methods such as games to help understanding and teamwork

Imran ashraf Imran
by Imran ashraf Imran , Junior Accountant , Booker Wholesale Cash and Carry

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Children learn from different methods. They watch carefully and learn. They do the things done in front of them again and again. Some children learn by experiments they did by themselves. They learn from watching TV, movies etc. They learn from environmental factors. Although parents are the initial factor of learning for children as well. 

Muhammad Saleem Khan Qasuria
by Muhammad Saleem Khan Qasuria , Quality Management System and HSE Consultant , NESCOM

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As a father of04 children well placed after their marriages and jobs mother and school play the leading role and neighbors along with environment plays secondary role in the learning of child

Rana Riaz Ahmad
by Rana Riaz Ahmad , Group Human Resource Office- Talent Management , Al Mansouri 3B Group

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In my humble opinion and experience2 things as teacher you can do


1. Know your learning style of you students 

2. Know your teaching style as teacher 


Kindly Find more in links below



Banomatee  Nath
by Banomatee Nath , THIRD GRADE TEACHER , District of Education of New York City

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I find that at different stages of development, a child learn by listening and watching as an infant. As they get older and can manipulate objects, they learn by doing. 

Trial and errors........If the block falls, do not pick it up, watch what happens, eventually the child will.  

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