Kokab Rahman , Managing Director, Head of Business Development , Radeya Business Services
Don't depend entirely on online recruitment agencies. They have millions of users so it's likely your job application may never get looked at. There are other ways you can get better results, such as:
- Directly applying to company websites for jobs appropriate for your qualifications, skills, and past experience.
- Looking through the classifieds section and applying for jobs.
- Appying through friends.
- Going to walk-in interviews
- Visitig companies where you'd like to work and asking to meet the HR manager. If you don't get to see him/her, then leaving your CV with the HR department.
Finally, do have a look over your CV and cover letter to make sure it is professional. And try to write individual cover letters for the job you're applying to instead of using the same letter for all jobs. in this way you can show how your skills and experiences are relevant to that particular job.