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The broadcast address will be:
the broadcast address for this ip is16.10.5.255 and the network address is16.10.4.0
Which means : Network Offset =2
In third Octet Network Address Changes : : First Network : Second Network : Third Network - - - - {Valid Host IP Addresses} --> Including16.10.5.2
Its Broadcast Address : Forth Network
the broadcast address for ip address16.10.5.2 and subnet mask is255.255.254.0 broadcast address is16.10.5.255
the most simplest and quick method to obtain a DBID for a given IP address and subnet mask is to first negate (1"s complement) all the octets of the given subnet mask and then performing a logical OR operation bit by bit with given ip address. in this case the answer will be:
the broadcast address for the ip address..5.2 is..5.
broadcast id willbe:
Answer :..5.
Block Size of3rd octet is- =2
So the subnets of3rd octet are2,4,6,8......
IP address..5.2 comes under network..4.0 . So the broadcast address for this is..5.
Subnetting in the third octet Ip..5.2 /
Different Network ID s in the range are:
Clearly in the3rd network..4.0/ Broadcast Id is..5.
Valid IP ranges from..4.1-..5.
Our IP is..5.2 comes in this range
So the answer Broadcast id is..5.
The broadcast address : ..5./
Network ID is ..4.0