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How can we make a continuity in our production and quality?

in production line how we can control the quality and production by using team work or any other way?

Question added by Atta Ur Rehman Mirza , Mechanical engineer , ARY Brothers engineering
Date Posted: 2013/07/10
Shailender Tiwari
by Shailender Tiwari , Lead Product development , HNI Asia

Its just a matter of attitude as production is all about producing Products which are upto expected quality, otherwise its just good for nothing. So those all not good parts should be analyzed separatly as Non value added activity.

talal altinawi
by talal altinawi , مشرف انتاج , CGLEB

عن طريق العناية بالنوعية والمحافظة على سعر منافس بالاضافة الى متابعة تقلبات السوق لتلافي المفاجات

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