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Which of the following would not be an accurate depiction of the differences between strategic and tactical planning?

(a)   Strategic planning is developed mainly by upper-level management and tactical planning is generally developed by lower-level management(b)   Facts for strategic planning are generally easier to gather than facts for tactical planning(c)   Strategic plans generally contain less details than tactical plans(d)   Strategic plans generally cover a longer period of time than tactical plans(e)   Managers who are engaged in the development of strategic plans tend to work in more uncertainty than those managers engaged in the development of tactical plans.

Question added by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India
Date Posted: 2015/02/10
by LABIB KOOLI , Director of the Sectoral Center for Training in Hotel Technologies at Southern Hammamet , Tunisian Vocational Training Agency (ATFP)

Agree with you that b is too loose 

Muhammad Shakeel
by Muhammad Shakeel , CAD Design Manager , M/S zeeruk Intl.

Facts for strategic planning are generally easier to gather than facts for tactical planning is the Correct Answer. Thanks for Invitation.

Tegegne Abrham
by Tegegne Abrham , General Manager , MM BEDDING INDUSTRIES PLC

Option b is the answer because facts of s.planding considers the whole make, commutators action, technology, resources etc. While tactical planning considers mainly operational activities.

Yaseen Mujeerudeen Thaika
by Yaseen Mujeerudeen Thaika , Business Consultant , Magus Consulting DMCC

I agree with the other replies that the answer is 'option B', which states that 'facts for strategic planning are generally easier to gather than facts for tactical planning'.

Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

(b)   Facts for strategic planning are generally easier to gather than facts for tactical planning

Mir Mujtaba Ali
by Mir Mujtaba Ali , Internal Audit Manager , Confidential

b Facts for strategic .................

Khadega Idriss
by Khadega Idriss , Chairman Office Manager , Construction & Project Management Consultancy Co.

(e)   Managers who are engaged in the development of strategic plans tend to work in more uncertainty than those managers engaged in the development of tactical plans.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

Full Agree With Alex Al Yazouri 



Alex Al Yazouri
by Alex Al Yazouri , General Manager , Al Mushref Cooperative Society

(b)   -----------------------------Facts for strategic planning are generally easier to gather than facts for tactical planning

The vise versa would more accurate.

by FITAH MOHAMED , Financial Manager , FUEL AND ENERGY CO for transportion petroleum materials

(b)   .>>>>>>>>>Facts for strategic planning are generally easier to gather than facts for tactical planning

by DR MD ANWAR HOSSAIN , Moderator ,

I thin B is good answer. Thank you.

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