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Do you agree in using fingerprint identification system to register staff attendance and leave?

هل توافق على استخدام نظام التعرف ببصمة الأصبع لتسجيل حضور وانصراف الموظفين؟

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2013/07/22
Noor Mohammed Hussein zawaherh
by Noor Mohammed Hussein zawaherh , bank , bank al etihad

نعم اكيد ...... يوجد تساهل كبير بالنسبه لموضوع ساعه الحضور والمغادرة 

وهذه الطريقه عادله لا يوجد فيها تساهل بين مدير وموظف عادي

yes.. this will reduce malpractices.. the employees wont be able to sign in the register for the absent days.. this is good as they will not tend to take leave for unnecessary reasons..

Ms Aslam -
by Ms Aslam - , Accountant (Investment) , AL MURJAN HOLDING CO.

A BIG NO , i dont think its useful until and unless an employee is really loyal to his work...i have seen people coming to office on time just for the attendance and then left the office or spends time in kitchen for tea, coffee and breakfast.

So, it kills the purpose of time logging system as i think the main purpose for such attendance system is to let workers come on time and spend quality time on their work but it usually doesn;t happen. So, l guess companies should give free hand to employees and should not put such restrictions like school on them..Afterall all workers are mature enough to understand importance of their job and the time ...

Deleted user
by Deleted user

If it could guarantee that ALL staff attended on time and left when they were supposed to, this could be a useful tool.
However when technology works it's fantastic but when it doesn't it leaves one frustrated and wastes time.
The breakdown of technology could also encourage abuse of the system which means back to square one and some people turning up to work when they feel like it or not al all.
Then there would be the task of getting all companies to use the technology, what are the chances of this happening? Is it expensive? Who would monitor the use of the technology, IT or security? Would these staff have to be trained to use it? Is it fool-proof/tamper proof?

Kazi Anwar ul Islam Anwar
by Kazi Anwar ul Islam Anwar , Director, HR, Training & Administration , Nitol Niloy Group (NNG)

Fingerprint/ biometric system is very effective in keeping the record of attendance/ departure of any employee. Time of entry and leaving will remain in the system of an individual. So, it ensures the timely attendance of emplyees in an organization. But for technical reasons of machine the reading may not be recorded. Otherwise, it's fine.

Saham Nasir Musid Muthana
by Saham Nasir Musid Muthana , رئيس قسم التخليص والجمارك , شركة الشرق مسعود الدولية

اجل فهو اداة رقابية فعالة ومجدية تحد من تأخر و تقاعس الموظفين



Adeeb Haddad
by Adeeb Haddad , Independent Freelance Translator , Independent

depends on the nature of the job, If it's time critical, then yes, it can help building a much organized constructive environment.
If the nature of the organization is not time critical for most of the employees then the answer is definitely no, for that will only create stress upon the employees, and consume time when someone forgets to punch in or out, or when the system is down.
So it always depends on the neature of the company.

محمد عبد المجيد ابراهيم حسين حسين
by محمد عبد المجيد ابراهيم حسين حسين , باحث قانوني , وزارة العدل

نعم اوافق

Sami AlGhaberi
by Sami AlGhaberi , Software Developer , Cubic-IT

أستخدام نظام الدوام بالبصمة، شيء، والتعامل مع الموظف ومحاسبة على الدوام وفق هذا النظام شيء آخر..

بمعنى ,,, لابأس من أستخدام نظام الدوام بالبصمة لضبط الحضور والانصراف ولكن ينبغي أن تتحلى الادارة بالمرونة الكافية لمحاسبة الموظفين على الدوام وأن لاتفرض عليهم نظاما قاسيا وجامدا يصعب التبرير من خلاله. اذ لابد ان تؤخذ بعين الاعتبار المبررات الاستثنائية للموظفين فيما يخص الالتزام بالدوام كحالة أنسانية وحاجة ضرورية لابد منها.، والا فأن الموظف سيشعر بالظلم والاجحاف في حقوقه بسبب نظام جامد كهذا، وقد يلجأ الى الالتزام بالدوام ولايؤدي عمله باخلاص ونية صادقة.

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