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Do and say anything to make the sale, is it a fact or a sales myth? افعل وقل أي شئ لإتمام عملية البيع, هل هذه حقيقة أم أسطورة مبيعات؟

Question added by salah hamza , Catering Sales Manager , Al-Washim company for food services
Date Posted: 2013/07/23
salah hamza
by salah hamza , Catering Sales Manager , Al-Washim company for food services

هي أسطورة مبيعات

Aijaz Ali Abro
by Aijaz Ali Abro , President , Sindh Youth Development Center

Well, it is not the matter of fact or myth.
It is the matter of right or wrong.
Many people believe that a good salesman would sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo.
Well, do you think it is ethical? But, if you did sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo, you just proved that sales people are an unethical breed of human kind, who could sell their soul to make a buck.
Because of an unethical salesman, and sooner or latter a con man will be exposed, the entire sales industry suffers of a bad wrap, and ultimately his/her company suffers as well.
So, the answer is be honest, be sincere, and be assistant buyer and decide if your prospect really needs your product or service, and your product or service will improve his life style, or his business will benefit from it.
Can you feel good about selling a laptop to a65 year old immigrant women, who has never gone to school in her life?

Deleted user
by Deleted user

من وجهة نظري هذا اسلوب خاطئ ومنافي لمبادئ الدين الاسلامي ومبني على الخداع والغش كما قال رسولنا الكريم عليه افضل الصلاة والتسليم ((من غشنا فليس منا)) ويجب على اي شخص يريد ان يبيع سلعة ما ان يتعامل مع الزبون بصدق وامانة واقناعه بالسلعة ومواصفاتها بطريقة سليمة حت يكسب ثقة الزبون.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

I believe in Patricia Fripp, THE Executive Speech Coach, Sales Presentation Skills Expert and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker, once she said:" What matters to customer is not the item you are trying to sell more than clarifying to them what and how they will be benefited from this product".
People do not spend their hard money on something they are not convinced of, so if you as a salesman or representative of your company are not convinced of what you are showcasing, do not expect people to get convinced and through their hard money on the doormat.
I personally, bought rainbow vacuum cleaner, it was highly priced (Around10K Saudi Reyals), the reason I bought is due to the high professionalism of the Jordanian salesman who even scientifically explained to me how this machine kills bacteria and showed me practically how does it differ from the normal vacuum cleaners.
I was shocked for the demonstration he made so professionally.
I loved it and paid for it.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

It was, it is and it will be a fact.
I am not talking if it is correct or not to do that.
I just answer your question.
People can feel under pressure if they don't reach their sales objectives and do this.
There are people they just look for immediate results and don't think further.
And if the economical situation of the company is bad, the first thing you will try to do is sell to survive.
Because at the beginning of the month company has to pay salaries, social security, insurances, suppliers, banks,...
and they don't understand you are in a bad moment; they understand you have to pay.
You have the risk of loosing that client in the future but, in that moment you need the money.
So, that technique is a fact.

Mohamed Mostafa
by Mohamed Mostafa , مدير تنفيذي مصنع العبوات المعدنية ومصنع البلاستيك , المدينة مصراتة

لا بالتأكيد ومن يتبع مثل هذا الاسلوب يندم ولن يحصل على شيء وقد قال الرسول الكريم من غشنا فليس منا كما قال رحم الله عبدا سمحا اذا باع واذا اشترى واذا اقتضى

محمد سامي الششتاوي الشرقاوي
by محمد سامي الششتاوي الشرقاوي , نائب مدير محطة , The Holding Company for Drinking Water and Sanitation in Dakahlia.

الصدق هو افضل الطرق لكسب ثقة العميل لكن لابد ان يكون البائع لديه جميع المعلومات عن المنتج لتمييز المنتج عن غيره بصدق

Deleted user
by Deleted user

هذه اسطورة ولكن يجب ان يكون من يعمل في هذا المجال على دراية كاملة بما يقدمه للعميل حتى يكتسب ثقته ويقوم بتوصيل المعلومة صحيحة

ahmad suleiman  alnawafleh
by ahmad suleiman alnawafleh , area manager retail , Lebanese roaster

في الوقت الحالي هذا مطبق وبشكل كبير وليست اسطورة وذلك يرجع لطبيعة الشخص وقدرتة على اقناع الطرف المقابل واعتبره فن وقدرة على تسويق مبيعاتك ولكن يكون فن ضمن المعقول وليس التمادي في السلعة 

Arash Lajevardi
by Arash Lajevardi , National Sales And Marketing Manager , Bastan group

I'm not agree with say something wrong , lie , and any thing that only help us to sell our products , we can sell our products with this method , but it's not professional and it's not good technique .

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