True.The need level of people varies each and every b time.They wish to fulfill the present want.But in comparison with the social situation they fix the target need higher and higher and so on.Ultimately full satisfaction could not be come by seeing the upper status.Human being only be satisfy when they see the below status of them.But most people are competitive minded and making unlimited money for a limited lifespan.Each eternal earning will be lost when they will die.
Money should not be the ONLY tool used from the toolbox of motivation. There are many other choices for motivational increase. In fact, many employees who claim money is the only thing that will drive their motivation higher do so because there is a lack of any other form of compensation.
Keep these points in mind and motivation will have a chance to soar:
• Employee contribution important
• Recognition from an employer a must
• Retaining respect of peers and colleagues
• Keeping employee informed
• Stay flexible and make sure the employee can avoid as much red tape as possible
• Constant check-in with higher-ups only leads to micro managing and lack of motivation
• Make sure an employee has sufficient resources available to them
• Create a fun and stimulating work environment
• Make sure you communicate
• Communicate with your employee. Find out what interests them and what doesn't. Speaking with an employee frequently shows that you care about them in more ways than simply wanting them to keep up with productivity. This will increase an employee's motivation as well
Keeping these methods of compensation in mind is what it takes to understand what it is that drives your employee to want to do a better job. They must WANT to do a better job or the work they do will never be as excellent as it could be. If you are ever in doubt as to what it is that drives your employee, simply ask, either in a group meeting or one-on-one. In fact, asking an employee what it is that motivates him or her is a good idea right from the start. Then, you can always be sure of what to provide. All in all, make sure that money isn't the only thing you can offer an employee to increase his or her motivation.