كل الوظائف التى لاتحتاج للقوة البدنية وتحتاج لقوة ذهنية تسطيع المرأة اجادتها اكثر من الرجال لوشغلت ذهنها وذكاءها الفطرى ودقتها المعتادة فى انجاز الاعمال
The three abilities—precision, living a healthy lifestyle, and managing money and business well—are just some of the advantages women have over men.Women are better with finances-- women, not men, are the best at making investment decisions and managing money. Women make better executives and managers because they are better listeners, mentors, problem solvers, and multitask challenger than their male counterparts. Women are better connectors than men and more smart about knowing how to activate passion in their employees. Women have extraordinary service records in medical and social sectors.
Though it is a men dominating society but along with motherhood title women can take any challenge/ job easily. She can perform any job because Allah has created her like that...............its not because I am a woman but you can find many examples around the world if you look at her life.