When you listen to someone with the intention to reply not to understand , when you already forming a point of view about the speaker or about what he will say without giving yourself the chance to rethink about what is being said . also lack of concentration and being exhausted.
Rohit Sharma , Consultant , Bahrain Financing Company
The use of jargon. Over-complicated or unfamiliar terms.
Emotional barriers and taboos.
Lack of attention, interest, distractions, or irrelevance to the receiver.
Differences in perception and viewpoint.
Physical disabilities such as hearing problems or speech difficulties.
Physical barriers to non-verbal communication.
Language differences and the difficulty in understanding unfamiliar accents.
Expectations and prejudices which may lead to false assumptions or stereotyping. People often hear what they expect to hear rather than what is actually said and jump to incorrect conclusions.
Cultural differences
Language Barriers for example speaking Spanish in-front of English audience.
The following are the eight common barriers to good listening:1. Previously known subject2. Trying to be helpful or interpret3. Treating as competitive discussion4. Trying to influence or impress by the speaker5.Reacting to red flag words by the audience6.Realizing problem with language7. Mixing up the big context and small context8. Over-splitting of the speaking.
Renae Richardson , Education Coordinator/Director , Oxford Learning Center
Noise. Mental noise (internal) and external noise. Sometimes people are too distracted or are in too much of a hurry to truly listen to what someone is saying. Some people tend to spend most of the conversation formulating their own response so have no clue as to what the sender is trying to convey. Others are inclined to let their minds wander and only hear selective pieces of a conversation. Others draw their own conclusions based on mental perspectives and never really hear what the speaker is trying to say. Then there is external noise which distracts and pulls the receiver away.
When one truly listens they rid themselves of external distractions. Then they patiently hear the individual out. They don't interrupt with questions, they don't try to formulate responses in their head, they just wait until the speaker has finished his/her complete thought. Then before a response is formulated they repeat back to the speaker what they thought they heard for clarification. Something like asking, " Now if I am correct, what I hear you saying is this." This permits both parties to come to an understanding of what is being said. Then the receiver can respond. That way there is no misunderstanding.
Barriers to listening can be:1. Noisy environment. If theres lots of noise you can listen properly.2. Language. If the language skills of the speaker is different to yours, you wont be able to listen.3. Trying to think about the solution of the speaker's problem and not listening to what he is saying.4. Lack of interest. when you not interested to hear you wont listen.5. Distraction. if you are distracted by something else or someone else you wont listen.6. Already know the answer. If you already know the answer the speaker is trying to get from you, you wont listen him to till end.7. Communication. Bad communication can be a barrier to listening.
الأضغاء له وجهين : وجه خارجي ووجه داخلي: الحارجي تتمثل في كل عوائق الأصغاء الخارجية الضوضاء والحركة الخارجية بكل مسمياتها, أما العوائف الداخلية تتعلق بمشاكل الفرد نفسه المشاكل التي تتعلق بشخصه وتمنعه من الإصغاء الجيد أو الإستماع (تفادياً العوائق الحارجية عزل المءسسة من الضوضاء الخارجية) أما مشكلة الفرد تحل بمساعدة المؤسسة بتوفير إحتياجاته الضرورية والمادية أما الروحية فتتعلق بتمسكه بربه والعاطفية تتعلق بمجتمع أسرته الصغيرة والممتدة .
PRAVEEN VARMA , Senior Manager , Reliance Industries Limited
The biggest barrier to listening is predetermined mindset and viewpoint about the subject. Secondly the overconfidance on their knowledge level on the subject also leads to barrier to listening.