A salary is part of a compensation package that employers provide to employees in exchange for performing specified services. Generally understood as covering one year's worth of services, it's the money an employee earns at regular intervals — often monthly, semi-monthly or even weekly — throughout the year. Payment terms are typically agreed on between an employer and employee at the beginning of the working relationship, although the details can be changed over time.
While an individual must agree to being a salaried employee, it is the employer who decides whether to offer this position to a worker. Once hired, these employees may need to work a minimum number of hours each week, but compensation is usually based on more than just the time spent at the office. To maintain their positions, employees must typically continue to meet certain performance standards.
Salaried employees may be expected to contribute more work than usual at times. In the U.S., a law called the Fair Labor Standards Act guarantees that all employees are entitled to overtime pay, but it doesn't apply to those who are considered "exempt." Exempt employees include those in professional, administrative, and executive positions, as well as some sales and computer workers. They must also earn at least a certain amount each week, perform certain types of duties, and get paid the same salary even if they don't work the regular number of hours.
سعر الساعه فى الغرب يتم تحديده من الدوله كحد أدنى و الحد الأقصى مفتوح و لكن ليس إلى مالانهايه و فى النهايه
يتحكم فى السعر دائما القوه الإقتصاديه لكل بلد.
ملحوظه :- الحد الأدنى لسعر الساعه6.5 يورو فى إيطاليا.
هشام عيسي , Sales and marketing consultant , Free lance
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