Binod Timsina , Human Resources Business Partner , CG Corp Global │ Chaudhary Group
Selective perception is the process by which individuals perceive what they want to in media messages while ignoring opposing viewpoints. It is a broad term to identify the behavior all people exhibit to tend to "see things" based on their particular frame of reference. It also describes how we categorize and interpret sensory information in a way that favors one category or interpretation over another. In other words selective perception is a form of bias because we interpret information in a way that is congruent with our existing values and beliefs. Psychologists believe this process occurs automatically
هشام عيسي , Sales and marketing consultant , Free lance
is the process by which individuals perceive what they want to in media messages while ignoring opposing viewpoints. It is a broad term to identify the behavior all people exhibit to tend to "see things" based on their particular frame of reference. It also describes how we categorize and interpret sensory information in a way that favors one category or interpretation over another. In other words selective perception is a form of bias because we interpret information in a way that is congruent with our existing values and beliefs. Psychologists believe this process occurs automatically
حن نتعرض لكم كبير من الرسائل ندرك من هذه الرسائل معلومات معينة وكأننا ننتقي منها ما يناسبنا ونتجنب التركيز على معلومات أخرى بل قد لا ندركها حين نقرأها أو حين نعيد قراءتها نشعر أننا نقرأ هذه المعلومة التي لا تتفق معنا لأول مرةا لتعرض والتجنب
لا نعتبر الإدراك الانتقائي ظاهرة مرضية فكل منا يفهم الرسائل من حوله بطريقته، ولكن في بعض الحالات يكون الإدراك الانتقائي معبراً عن أعراض مرضية حقيقية فعلى سبيل المثال حين ترى الزوجة شعرة لامرأة على ثياب زوجها فإنها تعتقد اعتقادا راسخا لا يمكن تغييره بأن زوجها يخونها... ومهما حاولت إقناعها بالمنطق فإنها لا تغير فكرها..
We perceive and interpret events and media messages as we want to according to our personalities, environment etc.
One example is fashion/celebrity where the ideal size has become so small that it looks sickly. There have been changes within the fashion industry where a model cannot participate in fashion shows if her size/body fat ratio is below a medically healthy level.
On the other hand, the anorexic, size0 look is wildly popular despite the medical profession showing concern for its healthiness.
In their selective perception, a segment of population of both males and females have idealized the size0 despite health concerns.