salah hamza , Catering Sales Manager , Al-Washim company for food services
Create a pleasant work environment for yourself
Manage your time
Avoid false guilt
Keep perfectionism in check
Drive your own bus
Be selective about what you take on
plan and priorities
Develop a support system for yourself
look after your body and soul
accept stress as a natural part of life
If you want to avoid stress, stay home.
Stress is a natural part of the everyday life of an employee. The trick is not to avoid stress all together, because if you aren't getting at least a little stressed at work then you aren't really being challenged and if you aren't really being challenged that means that you and your career are not going to go anywhere.
Its a strange way of looking at it I know, but the truth is that whether as an everyday employee or a manager you have to constantly challenge yourself by pushing your abilities, improving your performance and expanding your knowledge.
There is a saying that if you do something you love then you won't work a day of your life. That means that if you enjoy your job and if you look forward to the challenges and to the trials and tribulations then you won't consider these things negative experiences but rather part and parcel of the job that you love and enjoy.
So the idea here is to shift your perspective from just mindlessly doing work that is stress free and at the end of the month gives you a pay cheque to actually actively working toward improving your performance and to use an overused and cliched phrase, think outside the box.
Stress is a natural part of any work, whether its because of the challenge of the project itself, whether it is because of a deadline that is almost (but not quite) impossible to meet, or whether it is because you are dealing with co-workers that are a constant pain... all these challenges will cause stress, but in the end how you cope with this stress and focus it is the best trick you will ever learn.
1- Some physical activity. 2- Time management. 3- Organize your workplace. 4- Maybe air freshener would be great. 5- Giving a time frame for every process you are doing, then try to improve yourself in the completion of these tasks.
مصطفى زكى محمد , مسئول قسم التطوير والتوظيف / SAP-HCM CORE USER , شركه إتحاد الخليج للأغذية
مع احترامى لكل الاجابات السابقه
لا يوجد عمل بدون ضغط - دائماً يكون فى ضغط فى العمل لان الشخص دائما يحاول الوصول الى الافضل فى عمله
ولكن يمكننا التقليل من الضغط بتنظيم العمل حسب الاولويات - وأخذ فترات راحه من وقت الي اخر اثناء اليوم
We can use different Technique(s):
. Arrange daily GYME schedule.
. Do day - day practices - through Discipline , prioritization and time management.
. listen to Music- pure music.
. Avoid daily papar work, you can manage your work electronically - if you can.
.Use Delegation technique(s) for your subordinates.
. Don't ever use DEAD time to manage Business, utilize this time for self -REFRESHNESS.
In home - Use self control mind set - Through YOGA. ( By the way ;prior advice - my personnal expertise )