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What can I do with the command Freeze Panes?

Question added by Ahmed Maher allam , Senior IT Consultant & System Admin (Lecturer & Trainier) , KGL
Date Posted: 2015/03/27
Ahmed Maher allam
by Ahmed Maher allam , Senior IT Consultant & System Admin (Lecturer & Trainier) , KGL

don't forget to vote the answers and the questions to follow up and know the Right answers.

Khan said
by Khan said , Science Teacher , Mahtab Khurshid Memorial School

You can freeze the upper row(s) and left column(s) of the selected cell so that if you navigate downward or rightward of the work sheet, the mentioned rows and columns will remain in view on the screen.

by FITAH MOHAMED , Financial Manager , FUEL AND ENERGY CO for transportion petroleum materials

To freeze rows:

You may want to see certain rows or columns all the time in your worksheet, especially header cells. By freezing rows or columns in place, you'll be able to scroll through your content while continuing to view the frozen cells.


1-Select the row below the row(  ) you wish to freeze. ,  if we want to freeze rows1 and2,  we'll select row3.

2-Click the View tab on the Ribbon.

3-Select the Freeze Panes command, then choose Freeze Panes from the drop-down menu.


4-The rows will be frozen in place, as indicated by the gray line. You can scroll down the worksheet while continuing to view the frozen rows at the top..


To freeze columns:


1-Select the column to the right of the column(  ) you wish to freeze. , if we want to freeze column A,  we'll select column B

2-Click the View tab on the Ribbon.

3-Select the Freeze Panes command, then choose Freeze Panes from the drop-down menu.

4- The column will be frozen in place, as indicated by the gray line. You can scroll across the worksheet while continuing to view the frozen column on the left. 



*- To unfreeze rows or columns, click the Freeze Panes command, then select Unfreeze Panes from the drop-down menu.

*-If you only need to freeze the top row (row1) or first column (column A) in the worksheet, you can simply select Freeze Top Row or Freeze First Column from the drop-down menu

Hazel Posadas
by Hazel Posadas , Accounting Staff , Everbrilliant Mg. Co., Inc.

Freeze panes in excel allows you to Scroll into any direction without the Row or column  moving on its original place.

Muhammad Masood Mr.
by Muhammad Masood Mr. , Assistant Manager Import , Prime Cargo International

With Freeze Panes you can always keep your preferred data in front of your while surfing whole of the sheet.

Freeze Panes allow you to select the data in desired column which you might need all the time while working in a sheet after selection of your desired Data Freeze panes will show it on top of the sheet always

Firas Shahadi
by Firas Shahadi , Human Resources Director , SAUDI UNION

you can simply make one or some of rows or columns visible no matter where you are navigating on the sheet.

Tip: Table header will automatically replace columns letters even if there is no freezing.

Steven Dahdah
by Steven Dahdah , Senior System & Netwrok Administrator | Integration Eng , Transcore

The Freeze Panes command in Excel2010 lets you freeze portions of a worksheet, typically column and row headings, so that you can view distant parts of the worksheet while the headings remain in place. Freezing panes only affects the current worksheet. If you want to freeze other worksheets, you must select them individually and freeze them.

Reynaldo Corvera
by Reynaldo Corvera , Planner , Flexible Packaging

Freeze Panes is useful to make your label or  your item title visible. while scrolling


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