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How to subtract an object altered with an editable mesh from another object also changed with editable mesh using boolean subtraction?

Question added by Naveed Taher , Advocates , Avatar Café’s Kitchen Cornice Road Ajman •Sarkal
Date Posted: 2015/03/28
Muhammad Shakeel
by Muhammad Shakeel , CAD Design Manager , M/S zeeruk Intl.

The Boolean Modifier performs operations on meshes that are otherwise too complex to achieve with few steps by editing meshes manually, meaning you can achieve good results with little to no effort to make mesh operations like Unions, Differences and Intersections. The Boolean modifier uses one of three Boolean operations (Difference (negation), Union (conjunction), and Intersect (disjunction)) to create a single compound object out of two Mesh objects.

The Boolean Modifier applies only for Mesh objects.

It performs one of the three Boolean Operations for the faces of open or closed volumes that creates a complete topology in the faces it's being used. This means that this modifier will only work properly for the intersection of faces of the two meshes that will result in another closed loop of edges (filled with faces), creating a new resulting face topology.


The Boolean modifier is non-destructive for the target; it uses the topology of the target to make the calculations, but you will still have the target in the scene. In normal conditions, using face normals pointed outside, when you apply the Boolean modifier operation, the modified mesh will receive changes in topology, and you will have to move the target to see the resulting mesh. The only exception is when you are using inverted normals; in this case, depending on the calculations, you will also change the topology of the target. You can add this Modifier in any of the Blender Modes, including some other Modes of different Blender screens, but the results of the mesh operation will only be shown in the Object Mode of the 3D View Window.

Muhammad Ali Faisal
by Muhammad Ali Faisal , Lead Artist , OZI Technology

Firstly, if you have used Boolean on Editable Mesh and then you Boolean again, it will now subtract the current and the previous subtraction would be redo.

Solution: For this you must have to do "editable poly" every time when you Boolean. It will give you your desire shape. 

Alen Ajanovic
by Alen Ajanovic , 2D - 3D Motion and Graphic designer , FIST Production

3Ds MAX:

select poly or mesh object / create / geometry / standar primitives / compound objects / boolean.


After every boolean operation, mesh should be converted to poly again because of corrupted topology.

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