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كيف يتم دعم الإلتزام بتعلم قيم وأخلاقيات المهنة؟ How is the support obligation to learn the values ​​and ethics of the profession?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2013/08/01

من خلال افلام وثائقيه دورات دريبيه للموظفين حثهم على العمل بالطرق الدينيه القويمه والمقارنه بينهم وبين الادارات الاجنبيه

Fazlul Hoque
by Fazlul Hoque , Assistant Director , DoF,GoB

A profession as human services developing in response to and in anticipation of the direction of human needs and human problems in the early of this century.
Characterized particularly by an appreciation of human beings in all of their diversity, human services offers assistance to its clients within the context of their community and environment.
All professionals for Human service and those who educate them, regardless of whether they are students, faculty or practitioners, promote and encourage the unique values and characteristics of human services.
In so doing these professionals and educators uphold the integrity and ethics of the profession, partake in constructive criticism of the profession, promote client and community well-being, and enhance their own professional growth.
If we see the ethical guidelines which presented as a set of standards of conduct which the human service professionals and educators consider in ethical and professional decision making.
It is hoped that these guidelines will be of assistance when human service professionals and educators are challenged by difficult ethical dilemmas.
Although ethical codes are not legal documents, they may be used to assist in the adjudication of issues related to ethical human service behavior.

حازم عبد الحميد محمد دياب
by حازم عبد الحميد محمد دياب , technical office manager , Kased Khair

سياسة الشركة هى الحاكمة فى اختيار مسار العمل بقيم واخلاق معينة لابد ان يتم اختيار من يتوافق معها ولكن لا يفيد التدريب فيها كثيراً هذا من مقومات الشخصية الافضل ان تحسن اختيار موظفيك

Mohammad Zakaria
by Mohammad Zakaria , Senior Officer , AB Bank Ltd. (Previous Employer: United Commercial Bank Ltd)

Environtment effect the mental attituade to grow on.
Morality & Ethical view depend on organizatonal goal andmanagerial approach.
Also depend on the constitution of the country and its culture.
It ir really true that religious effection develop morality and strenght it value to hold it.
Without value & ethics in the profession there is no actual development and job satisfaction.
Islam teach us how to imlpement it every step of the life .
I miss it seriously for have nothing of the effection in the conventional Organization as like middle east.
But we have strong mentelaty to positive change.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Do you refer to the formalized process through additional credential/certifications? If so, I feel that in certain professions, it is a stream of revenue.
If individuals are within a particular field and have shown a level of dedication and formalized education, there should be a support obligation to allow them to grow professionally without stringent membership dues and out-of-pocket costs.

Nasir Hussain Kumbhar
by Nasir Hussain Kumbhar , Sr.Accounting and operation manager , JUBAILI AGROTEC LTD

it is the work place where you work and for which the people pay you so its very much essential for a person to learn the work ethics and learn what he gained out of his proffession.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

لعل أهم شيء في هذا الخصوص, أن يدأب صاحب العمل على أن يكون القدوة المهنية والأخلاقية الحسنة في مؤسسته, وأن يكون صارماً في متابعة ذلك عند موظفيه.

Farah Ehsan
by Farah Ehsan , General Manager

Work place ehtics depends om the working environment of an organization.
So far need of time is the development of moral values whereas the religious affections plays an important role.

Hassan Abdelhakem Mohamed Nouh
by Hassan Abdelhakem Mohamed Nouh , مدير موارد بشريه , Fetch for Logistics services, Egypt

التعليم حتى فى الكبر التعليم مهم وخاصه فى مجال الموارد البشريه لان هذا المجال متجدد دائما ويحتاج يالى انسان مبدع و خلاق والتعليم ( المعلومه الاسقاطيه ) من اهم واخطر الاشئى وهى تاتى من الفائد ان كان اب او مدير او مشرف او صاحب عمل فهم فى الاهتمام بنسيه الى العاملين كما ان التدريب على رئس العمل من اهم وافيد الطرق للتعلم

mahmoud salim
by mahmoud salim , maintenance manager

فى الواقع سبب نجاح الإداره الغربيه أنها لا تعتمد على المواصفات الشخصيه المتميزه كأخلاق المهنه و خلافه .
فى جميع المجالات عليك أن تلتزم بأخلاقيات المهنه و إلا ستجد نفسك بدون عمل .
و كثيرين من المشاهير فى مجال الطب و المحاماه و فى كثير من المجالات إنتهوا على شاشات التلفاز بفضائح موثقه و تعرضوا للمساءله القانونيه.

salem tabet
by salem tabet , Sales agent , Tamayoz I Egypt

يجب في البدء ان تكون الاسس و المبادء واضحة و صريحة دون لبس و ان تكون العقوبات و الاجرائات ايضا معروفة و من ثم تاتي الحوافز و المكافأت لايمكن الاتكال على الاخلاق فقط لتعلم الالتزام بالقيم و المبادء فقط

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