Bayan Alshayeb , English Language Teacher , UNRWA-Altalbiyah COED G SCH
Moral science based on a sense of right and wrong according to conscience, it is relating to human behaviour, and there are many examples; you can welcome your students with joy every morning, teach them to the best of your ability, never show disrespect even if their behavior might be earning it, and extend that same respect to their families when you meet. Also Teachers should not accept gifts from students.
Because of the imbalance of power between student and teacher, money and clothing or food items all carry implications of coercion that doesn’t exist in most relationships, and teachers should be wary of accepting gifts from students. a brief statement in my syllabus that teachers at the college level generally don’t accept gifts from students and that the best “gift” students could give a teacher is to study hard..... etc.