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How do you deal with a manager who doesn't treat all employees equally?

Question added by Rana Alnajjar , Web developer , Lebcards
Date Posted: 2015/05/12
Omair Abduljaleel Ali Al-Quliey
by Omair Abduljaleel Ali Al-Quliey , مدير لمكتب المهندسين اليمنيين , مكتبي مكتب المهندسين اليمنيين


That's normal if he deal with them on their talents and performance.

Sabina Sienko
by Sabina Sienko , Social Media Specialist , Sana's Kitchen

A true manager should leave his/hers personal agenda out of work and treat everyone equally and praise high performance,therefore we all know that like in real world, there is no justice in the workplace too. In my opinion, we should treat such manager with respect still, though never let them treat you worst than others, as it's a basic human right- to be treated equally.

by PRADEEP MEHRA , CEO , Angel international Inc.

I will tell you a secret learned from over30 years of my professional experience. Boss never pampers efficient employees. 

Mujtaba Habib
by Mujtaba Habib , Practice Manager / Project Director , FIS Global

The first thing is to accept the fact that its human nature, even parents at times are unable to equally treat their children, professional relationship is much more complex. Every employee need to understand that its a two way relationship and the management is not always  top down it also needs to be bottom up. Understanding needs and expectations of the boss and managing it is the key to get on the good side. At times most hardworking and efficient employees are not on the good side, that is because they are not managing the relationship. Do not compare your self with others, everyone is unique, focus on identifying your area's of improvements to make things better with your boss.      


Statistically speaking large percentage of employees leave the boss because they can't get along with their bosses. At times some people are hard to satisfy, in such cases where you have put in all efforts do what you must do professionally with taking any rash decision.  

mohamed Hakim CMA CPA Candidate
by mohamed Hakim CMA CPA Candidate , Accounting Manager , Andersen saudi arabia

try to tell him that's very easy

this is normal action some people do when they love some body more that others


Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

It is normal.

Manager is also human.

Malek Almuhideb
by Malek Almuhideb , Marketing Representative , Tawuniya Insurance Company

Not a big issue.

In my opinion, the steady worker will deserve award sooner or later.

Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh
by Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh , Sales & Business Consultant and Trainer , Self-employed

Talk to him

Talk to him

Talk to him

Put some pressure 

and then be tough

I would talk to him openly and frankly

good discussion should work.

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
by Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

Difficult bosses come in many varieties, from the micro-managing boss who wants to know your every movement to the too-casual boss who gives little or no direction. Unfortunately, there are also bosses whose behavior can be abusive or intimidating. Deal with your difficult boss by treating her like an equal, even when it feels like she is not treating you that way. If that doesn't work, you may need to seek intervention.

  • Analyze your actions. Make an honest analysis of your work. If you feel like your job performance has declined since your difficult boss came into the picture, try re-focusing on the projects at hand. There may be changes in your boss' behavior.

  • 2

    Make a list of the behavior you find difficult to deal with. Document anything you find unethical, unprofessional or abusive. Just jot down the facts, not your reactions to the events. Make this list as detailed as possible. If you do end up filing a complaint, you will need accurate records to refer to.

  • 3

    Find a mentor. If you love the company but can't deal with your bad boss, you could try to develop a mentoring relationship with another supervisor.

  • 4

    Don't take it, but respond to your difficult boss with a professional attitude. If your boss insults you, respond calmly that there is a better way to deal with the situation. Do not become abusive or show that your boss' behavior has upset you. Maintain a professional distance and keep calm.

  • 5

    Get support from your co-workers. You may not be the only one who feels this way about your boss, and having a support system can help all affected. At the same time, do not speak badly about your boss - especially to his superior.

  • 6

    Know when it's too much. If your boss' behavior becomes abusive, try to schedule a meeting with a neutral party present. Let your boss know your concerns and see if you can find a middle ground. If the bullying has had an effect on your health, it may be time to get out.

  • 7

    Have an escape plan. If you can't find a way to resolve the issue and it seems your boss will never change her behavior, you should looking for a new job. If possible, try not to quit before having something else lined up.

  • 8

    Report your boss to Human Resources. A last resort is reporting the actions of your boss to Human Resources. This can have either positive or negative results. Human Resources may do something about the situation, or the tension between you and your boss could increase. Do this only if you feel there is no other option.

  • 9

    Find the lesson in the experience. Try to evaluate the situation objectively. There may be factors in your boss' life you are unaware of, or unresolved issues in your life. You may also be able to learn something about what not to do, should you ever be a boss.

Riyas Shahul Hameed
by Riyas Shahul Hameed , Systems Engineer , Datacom Systems Asia

Dont think on these things. Wherever you work , do your primary work and keep improving your profile which will make people's head turn one day. 

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