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How do big websites like Wikipedia make money, if we can use them for free?

Question added by Dina Sameer Mohammad Khatib , Brand and Communications Manager ,
Date Posted: 2015/06/02
Muhammad Nouman Noor
by Muhammad Nouman Noor , Software Engineer , National Highways and Motorway Police

They make money by having daily visitors. e.g They purchase google adsense and paid by google on each visitor, By displaying adds on their website and getting paid by add owners, By getting sponsors companies and also by public funding etc

Mohammad Terkawi
by Mohammad Terkawi , Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer , Lean Business Services

I think 

number of visits


Tauseef Mohammed
by Tauseef Mohammed , Architect/Leader , US Bank National

Non-profit Organization


number of visits



AbdulAziz Khan
by AbdulAziz Khan , Trainer , BrainsWork

wikipedia works on charity, anyone can contribute to it both information wise or financially

Gayasuddin Mohammed
by Gayasuddin Mohammed , Advocate , Practicing Law before High Court at Hyderabad

through advertisements, no of visits and clicks

Tamrat Araya
by Tamrat Araya , HR And Admin Manager , Symbol Technologies

We are not using for free, we are paying the government and the government also pay for the website owners.

Mohammed chalil
by Mohammed chalil , Network Support Engineer (L2) , Honeywell

1. Advertisement

2. Each click on the website will provide them income

Basm Allah Alrahman Alrahim


Think Like they Think ?


If you want to make something good what will happen to you and your personality ?


Wikipedia creators and GNU/Linux Creators 1 and 2 and Linux Free Distribution Creators (e.g Ubuntu Open-SUSE etc ) FOSS ( Free Open Source Software ) Creators by FSF ..etc , What Happen To All Of Them ?


They Know more than you can imagine and they are very famous and rich

So Why Don't any one think like them ? start to change your life with open source


I Forget To mention JAVA


Thank you for that interesting question

ashraf taha
by ashraf taha , مدرس - teacher , مراكز تعليمية - Educational centers

Simply they take a commission on the number of visitors per day

Godfrey Ebojie
by Godfrey Ebojie , Recovery , Accion Microfinance Bank Ltd

They get money by the number of visits and clicks on the site ,through the purchase of Google Adsense and also by paid. Adverts

amanuel tadele
by amanuel tadele , Transmission Specialist , ethiotelecom

Most of you said advertising yet I see ad on wikipedia page. I know wikipedia funded by donations. 

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