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Is anybody already used Adobe Mobile Apps; so how's the impact between you and the project?

Question added by Jayson Aglubat , Graphic Designer/Information Technology , Local Government
Date Posted: 2015/06/30
Muhammad Hasham
by Muhammad Hasham , Visual and UX Designer ,

So Adobe Mobile Apps are a subset of the Regular Adobe Apps. These are meant for2 kinds of people...

1. Design Supervisors/Managers/Directors:  People in this category do not create the design themselves, they do2 things. a. They deal with clients and work on rough sketches of the product. Adobe mobile apps are perfect for making quick or rough changes  b. They look at the design work created by their sub-ordinates/employees and approve/disapprove them. In case they are disapproving, they need to make quick changes for which they use the mobile apps.

As for the employees, they definitely need to use the whole application to come up with something neat.

2. Freelancers who travel a lot: While on the go, the freelancers can use mobile apps, again to make quick and rough changes, or to sketch an idea, or sketch a layout. But for professional work, they still need the full version.

Hope that helps.

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