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How can a sales manager increase the sales productivity of his/her team?

Question added by Lamya Adam , Front Desk Team Leader , Mariott
Date Posted: 2015/08/04
Mohammad Ismail
by Mohammad Ismail , GM , Story Travel and Tourism

* understand your product, and make sure you see and identify your strengths and weaknesses 

* analyse and find exactly where you are in the market.

* identify your objectives, Real Smart objectives. 

* plan your way to reach your goals, and get away from formalities, which stops motivations.

* make it simple, clear and efficient plan, do not put plans where your team would find hard to understand, and /or execute.

* motivate your team, they are the Kings of sales, and they have to Kick down the accelerator , and win the Formula1.

* failures will get encouragement and support, winners will get bonuses and awards .(Golden Role)

* they are Partners with you , so it is TeamWork ( i am not mistaken ) I wanted to be ONE WORD not two. 

and the Most Important, they want to see the Sales BOSS in front of them Leading the Victory, and not behind the seen 


Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

Good Planing

analysis sales and sales area

make new goal ( new Customer Slide )

make Promotion & Adv.

communicate with current customer to make servy and ask them to give him one customer data from his friends to contact with him


Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh
by Ibrahim Hussein Mayaleh , Sales & Business Consultant and Trainer , Self-employed

- Productive Plan

- Efficient Communication

- Coaching, Mentoring, Educating and Training

- Motivation and Inspiring

- Challenging and Rewarding

Muhammad Adeel
by Muhammad Adeel , Sales And Marketing Executive , TANZEEM HEAVY EQUIPMENT RENTAL LLC

By setting reachable & effective sales target along with giving incentives to team members based on their performance. 

Deleted user
by Deleted user

  • Prouducts knowledge is one of the keys, train your staff on the products to cover all customer's concers and requierments.
  • Provide them with all the right tools to present thier company and thier products.
  • Motivate the sales team by giving them good incentive on certain products once they sale it.
  • Put a plan for each season to increase the sale and do promotions on the dead season.
  • Share with your staff the over all sales report and compare it with the past, find where is the sales is going down and higher.
  • Always update your staff about what is going on in the market and your competative product's and companies.
  • Last and the most important build a group which will work as a team with profissional manars treat them equally and fair in order to love what they are doing.



Mehboob Ali Laghari
by Mehboob Ali Laghari , Social Mobilization Team Incharge , TRDP-European Union

Agree with all experts` ideas

Muhammad Zubair
by Muhammad Zubair , Inbound Sales Representative , Mindbridge Bpo

Building a high-integrity, effective sales team is what drives business forward. Managers should manage the information and what the team needs to be successful, remove obstacles, and do their best to make it easy for customers to give sales people their money.

khalid pervez
by khalid pervez , head of juice nacter , alrabie saudi foods

For each and every objectives to achieve there is one thing ie planning.

so first is


then strategies.





Yahya Al Badawi
by Yahya Al Badawi , branch manger , muhaidib foods

make sure you see and identify your strengths and weaknesses analyse and find exactly where you are in the market. * identify your objectives, Real Smart objectives.

Imdad Hussain Rajput
by Imdad Hussain Rajput , Assistant Sales Manager , Forego

Training will be very helpful

Imran Ali Qureshi
by Imran Ali Qureshi , Sales Operation & sales analytics Manager , Pure Foods Co LLC - IFFCO

Understanding of market / customer norms.

Develope a good customer relationshiat

After this make a SMART objectives that should be specific, realistic and time bound

and Last make regular review of KPI or KRA efficiency with thumbs up strategy

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