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Do females in Ads attract a wider audience?

Some case studies show that ads containing females attract a wider audience. Is this correct?

Question added by George Durzi , Senior Media Performance Manager - Middle East & Africa , Dyson
Date Posted: 2012/10/09
Apeksha Udeshi
by Apeksha Udeshi , Senior Content Executive , VIRENXIA

A statistic that I came across suggest that women make the purchase decisions for 85% of all consumer purchases including everything from autos to health care, so it stands to reason that the most brands would use women as their brand audience.
In terms of 'wider audience' having women on advertising would seem more appealing to men, women and kids.

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Siraj Uddin Khan
by Siraj Uddin Khan , Administration & Transport Manager , Island Express Passengers Transportation

This is a very complex question in regards to our mind setup... I have seen hundreds of Ads that have attracted me without the presence of a female.... That could be the Price, Durability or quality of a product or service, or could be the reason that there was no female in that Ad. Yes it works out for advertising agencies but I guess not for the consumer

Lakshman Ram
by Lakshman Ram , Branch Manager , Property World Info (P) Ltd

YES!!! Females in Ads attract a wider audience! Male & Female represents YIN & YANG Male & Female represents Positive & Negative Male = ACTION & Female = EMOTION It is the Emotion that DRIVE action!?! Therefore, Emotion > Action Females exerts higher DECISION-MAKING POWER Female represents Emotion, tenderness, attractiveness, soft-corner from all VIEWERS e.g., kids, young, old, male or females.

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