Question added by
Shaikh Mohammed Kamal Abdul Nasar
, Senior Architect / Project Management Consultant , DORSCH CONSULT DC Abu Dhabi
Date Posted: 2013/04/25
Architects are human beings, and like with every profession that uses humans it has both intelligent and less intelligent people. I don't think that this, or any other profession can or should be generalized into intelligent and stupid, it takes all sorts of people to create a company, and generally speaking everyone has something that they contribute to it.
بالطبع المهندس المعمارى ذكى ومبدع ومصمم ولديه خيال واسع وذلك قد يميزه عن الأخرون فهو يتعامل مع كافة الأطراف وبكافة الوسائل فهو دائماً شخص ينظر إلى الأمام وإلى الأفضل . ولا يعنى ذلك أن باقى المهن أقل ولكن لكل مهنة ميزة
it is clear that not all of them but most of famous architects are itelligent. because they challenge with many problam during designing and their responsibility is finding sloution. Also, architects have wide range of different knowledgs from philosophy to phsycology and from economy to art.So, i think a professional architect absolutely is clever and genius.