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Why is ratio analysis important?

Question added by Ali Hussain Nabijan , Chief Accountant , Emirates National Chemical Co. LLC
Date Posted: 2015/09/14

Ratio analysis is open to analyze the financial performance and financial position of an entity, It helps the decision makers to take future decisions for the entity.

Murtada shaikheldin Mohamed Abdelgabir
by Murtada shaikheldin Mohamed Abdelgabir , محاسب مالي , zain

Ratios are critical quantitative analysis tools. One of their most important functions lies in their capacity to act as lagging indicators in identifying positive and negative financial trends. The

aly magdy
by aly magdy , رئيس حسابات , شركة بناء للتشيد و الاستثمار العقارى

Yes it shows important indicators of liquidity and profitability and indebtedness of the company

Md. Moshiur Rahman Sumon
by Md. Moshiur Rahman Sumon , Assistant General Manager( Corporate Finance & Head of Internal Audit) , Progressive Life Insurance Company Limited

Financial Ratio Analysis is important that

  1.   Compare to other entities  
  2.   Examine a firm's performance relative to
  3.   The aggregate economy
  4. Its industry or industries
  5. Its major competitors within the industry
  6. Its past performance (Time -series analysis)

Mohammad Iqbal Abubaker
by Mohammad Iqbal Abubaker , Jahaca Pty Ltd - Accounts Administrator , Jahaca Pty Ltd - Accounts Administrator

There are multiple ratio analysis which indicates the financial performance to any of the company, organization or firm, depending on their periodic and as of the date financial statements.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

Ratio analysis is important to judge according to industry standards, this company and its competitors or other mature companies in the same industry.


Profitability ratios are simple analysis against revenue, starting with Gross Profit Margin %.  If GP% is <% then how will the company survive and pay the operating expenses out of <% mark-up, there is only going to be only one result, long term losses.  The GP% also is dependent on a manufacturing or service industry.  Manufacturing industry a GP% of% is perfect as the costs are weighted in the Cost of Sales line item, whereas a service industry, the GP% must be at least% as cost is in operating expenses, salaries and rental.


Liquidity ratios are a guideline to how well the company is able to cover its liabilities, both current and long term type.

Mabel Quarshie
by Mabel Quarshie , Student Intern , La palm Royal Beach Hotel

Ratio analysis enables the company measure its overall financial state of its business.

Majid Wangade
by Majid Wangade , Senior Accountant , KANTOUR LIMITED COMPANY ( Real Estate, Construction and Asset Management )

Ratio analysis is the comparison of line items in the financial statements of a business. Ratio analysis is used to evaluate a number of issues with an entity, such as its liquidity, efficiency of operations, and profitability. This type of analysis is particularly useful to analysts outside of a business, since their primary source of information about an organization is its financial statements. Ratio analysis is less useful to corporate insiders, who have better access to more detailed operational information about the organization.

Azeem Ahmed
by Azeem Ahmed , Cheif Accountant , Al Shafar Group

Ratios are critical quantitative analysis tools. One of their most important functions lies in their capacity to act as lagging indicators in identifying positive and negative financial trends. The information a trend analysis provides allows to you to make and implement ongoing financial plans and, when necessary, make course corrections to short-term financial plans. 


Ratio analysis is an important technique of financial statement analysis. Accounting ratios are useful for understanding the financial position of the company.

Ratios are critical quantitative analysis tools. One of their most important functions lies in their capacity

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