اذكر عناصر النجاح فى اكتساب المزيد من العملاء وكيفية تنمية حساباتهم ؟ What are the elements of success in acquiring more customers and developing their accounts?
Every company wants to have competitive advantage, have more customers, sell more products etc. We can develop our products, do service segmentation and/or streamline our processes. There is always improvement to do, but when that path is walked to its end and no significant differentiation can no longer be done, what do we do then? Could the wellbeing, motivated and skiled staff be the competitive advantage for the company and its image? Yes it can and it is. An image of a company is a reflection of what the company is from inside. We need to be innovative and brave to improve our possibilities and success in today's diverse and challenging business environment. Reinventing the already existing is not the best way. Thoughts of my thoughts?
Binod Timsina , Human Resources Business Partner , CG Corp Global │ Chaudhary Group
the elements of success in acquiring more customers and developing their accounts the customer service provider should have following:
detailed understanding about service
Customer Intelligence
allows predictions to be made regarding reasons behind customer behaviors.
customer relationship
تذكر دائما انك عميل لاحدى الشركات او المؤسسات , فبالتالي يوجد اشياء تجذبك لشركة عن شركة اخرى و الاغلب من ناحية تعامل الموظفين ..
لابد ان تكون مرحب بالعميل في اي وقت + تحرص على ابتسامتك + تحرص على التواصل الفعال لخدمتة على اكمل وجة + ان تكون لديك القدرة على حل مشاكله بدون اعطاءه وعود لست قادرا على تنفيذها + الصدق مع العميل بالقول والفعل + ان تكون مستشارا له في حالة اختيارة لمنتج او خدمة تعلم انها ليست مناسبة له و تقدم له النصيحة حتى يحس العميل بوقوفك دائما معة + الاعتذار له عن تاخير او مشكلة حصلت له + اللباقة في الكلام و حسن الهندام.
المظهر المناسب
اللباقة في الحديث
عدم مقاطعة العميل
الابتسامة الدائمة في وجه العميل وان كان على غير حق
التواصل الدائم مع العميل
معرفة مايريده العميل تحديدا مع توضيح ايجابيات وسلبيات طلبه والتوقعات الممكنة
مقابلة العميل باحترام والوقف له حال دخولة وفي حال خروجه وتوديعه
Success in acquiring accounts and generating more revenue from them is a continuous process.
While it is important to maintain a relationship with the contact person at the client, it is important to also maintain relationships at a corporate level reaching beyond the individual. This ensures that the relationship continues even if the person quits or moves to a different position.
One of the most important factors of a successful and long lasting relationship is TRUST. If you manage to earn it and build on it...you are sure to continue the relationship for a long time with consistent revenue upswing.
5- Handle customer problems professionally and take care of them until the problem solve.
From the above points you will get customer satisfaction and loyalty and this will reflect positively on company profitability.
satisfaction = more customers + more profit