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The crude oil is formed by deposition of organic matter at the sea bed. The over laid sediments pressure, formation temperature and millions and trillions of years time passed results in formation of crude oil. The beds of sea are today formations at depths while drilling. by deposition of beds over millions of years sea of past is land of today.
Drilling rig is used to drill the well and reach hydrocarbon bearing zones. Through casing tubing and well head cristmas tree oil or gas is produced.
Gas if having H2S and CO2 as impurities y use of Glycolis sweetened by use of Amine plant. Moisture in gas is removed by use of Glycol units.
Oil us cleaned using desalters and oil gas and water associated are separated in separation plants close to oil wells.
Produced and cleaned oil is stored in stored tanks and transported to refineries by pipeline or trucks.
Gas produced is transported to consumers through transmission pipelines and distributed in cities through distribution pipelines.