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SPD is an abbreviation and any when conclude his own meaning thus we cannot declare any one thing for SPD as there are many organizations/things/articles that if we abbreviate their names than result is SPD. In example one is Strategic plan Division, second is Senior Project Director etc so we cannot declare any world for it specially, please.
SPD is Sensory Processing Disorder. SPD is a situation that exist when sensory signal does not get organized information into appropriate response
Summary Plan Description. A document containing a comprehensive description of a retirement plan, including the terms and conditions of participation. The summary plan description is distributed to potential participants in advance of enrollment.
SPD is an abbreviation which can stand for many terms.
Sensory processing disorder
SPD - Summary Plan Description. Shows retirement plan as outlined by an employer to an employee.
SPD - Serial Presence Detect. As used in computer. It's information stored in the temporary memory of a computer that alerts the computer during the booth process.
SPD - Sensory Processing Disorder. A disorder that affects the sensory nerves of humans.
SPD is abbreviation for Surge Protection Device
It is a device to protect the electrical sensitive loads from electrical surges