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How can you improve communication skills for your staff?

Question added by Chadi Hanouni , admitting co ordinator , labib medical center
Date Posted: 2015/11/16
Deleted user
by Deleted user

Choose the appropriate means of communications and easy to use them And your employees must master the skills of good communication So that they are held sessions with jurisdiction And they have to go through a trial period to prove they are proficient in communication skill Which is one of the basics of success

Nasir Hussain
by Nasir Hussain , Sales And Marketing Manager , Pakistan Pharmaceutical Products Pvt. Ltd.

Here are some tips on how to develop an employee’s communication skills.


1-      Do have a conversation and prepare for it

2-      Do speak directly with the employee

3-      Do research and offer training programs

4-      Do show specific examples of the problem

5-      Do develop a plan for improvement

6-      Do not handle remotely or via email

7-      Do not forget to address non-verbal communications

8-      Do not make the same mistakes

9-      Do not reward poor communicators

-    Do not overlook the power of listening

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

Full Agree With Mr. Osama In His Answer


Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Communication skills are an essential component of a productive workplace, allowing employees to work together cohesively and professionally. Small business owners can do well to hire employees with solid communication skills, and there are also ways to improve communications skills in the workplace to boost employee productivity. Improving employee communication skills through training exercises and behavior modeling can give your company a competitive edge.


Include communication skills in employee training programs. Some people are inherently more social than others, but anyone can learn and practice effective communication skills to increase personal effectiveness on the job. Teach new employees the fundamentals of good communication, including listening skills, the concept of encoding and online communication challenges.


Model excellent communication skills to leverage the social learning theory. The individual personalities of small business owners can have a large impact on the culture that develops in their companies. Employees who spend a lot of time working alongside company owners may begin to model the communication style of their bosses. Take an inventory of your personal communication habits to gain insight into any communication problems your employees are having. If you consistently provide a model of professional, respectful communication, your employees will take notice.


Promote your most effective communicators into supervisory positions to set the tone in the company. Your managers set the bar for employee performance just as you do as the business owner. Make sure all your managers understand your commitment to modeling effective communication skills. Your managers should be confident and develop their own communication styles as they gain experience on the job.


Include communication skills in performance appraisals. Tying company objectives into performance appraisals is a proven way to motivate employees to achieve organizational goals. If communication is a significant issue in your workplace, consider setting personal goals for improving communication skills for each employee, and giving incentive awards to employees who meet these goals.


Develop team-building exercises to strengthen intra-office communication. High-performance teams become more cohesive over time as they gain experience working and communicating with each other. Exciting activities that require employees to work together can speed up the team-building process, allowing team members to learn the best ways to communicate with others in the team through experience.

Mohammed Asim Nehal
by Mohammed Asim Nehal , M Asim Nehal & Co , Chartered Accountants

Encourage them to share their views and talk, write and express what they feel about so that they become effective in communication.

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
by Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

I fully agree with the answers been added by EXPERTS.............Thanks.

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