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The intention is important here.
If it is a genuine customer facing a problem receiving your service, you may want to engage with the customer to understand and seek constructive feedback for improvements.
However, beware that the internet also invites some hostility from attention seekers or those who just intend to destroy your reputation. The reason we have spam, virus and other unwanted activities on the internet is because of those seeking self-interest alone. It is best to ignore them and in rare cases also delete their comments after informing others who use the forum if they are disturbed by those comments.It is how you do it that's important.
Collectively, our behaviors are predictable, however, individually we all are very different and act differently at different times. Remember, it takes a long time to build a reputation and very little time to destroy it.
I would be with constructive criticism as it gives me an opportunity to know what really I'm so that I can learn or correct myself for betterment. Thanks.