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"What are the Key Ideas for Effective Well Site Operations"?

In response to Optimize and Safe Operations on Well site,Followings are the main key to have Effective Well site operations.

1Safety of Personnel: In any business segment always considered "Safety First"..This is what the Numero Uno #1 key for Effective and Efficientoperations.So here on Well site as well we have to adhere with HSE policies and keeping eye on Override status of Plant/Field safety and process systems under Safe Operating Envelope for closely monitoring of Safe Operating Limit that is what a Integral and Important part of "Process Safety Management"

Now Guess what in case of any upset and emergencies...Dedicated personnel should demonstrate procedure to combat with situation  and it is always better "Prevention is Better then Cure" So on fortnightly or monthly basis Management has to encourage the Practice of "Mock Drill"

2. Well Performance: This is what the boon for any Production Technology be it Artificial lift (ESP, LRP, Jet Pump,SRP), Gas lift or EOR/IOR method. So the point is here to make how to optimize the Performance of Well and the key idea for doing this is Operation Excellence and in environment with low oil prices, operational excellence is even more important. The main key part of this process is

"Efficient well logging while drilling operation"

"Modular Oil field Facility Design for repeatable, consistent and interchangeable"

" Closely monitoring and logging of Well operating parameters such as bottom hole pressure, temperature, THP, THT, Casing A/B pressure for notification of wells operating in safe parameters limit"

3. Well Integrity: This is again a indicator of Operation Excellence for Optimize well performance but indeed it has to be considered as an Integral part of Production Optimization and Well Life cycle management and the Goal of this process to avoid Break down and Work over operations and here is the key step of doing this:

"To be ensured for proper cementing during drilling operations to avoid channeling of influx, Gas/Water in well operations"

"Well design (Tubing, Casing size and specification) has to be as per standard guideline and with respective to reservoir pressure, temperature study)"

P.S. "In nutshell This is  a overview for Effective Well site Operations any further suggestion and advice are always very much appreciated and welcome and i believe together we can create this operation excellence "

Question added by Ram Ji Tiwari , Engineer-Production , Cairn India Limited, Rajasthan
Date Posted: 2015/11/28

Good understanding of the plan..Appropriate safety measures. Good means of communication


Good understanding of the plan. Appropriate safety measures. Good means of communication. Provisions for tool box talk. Good access to and from the site.

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