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What makes you better than your competition?

imagine your competition has a larger portfolio of clients than you, how do you convince their clients you are better?

Question added by Imran Khan , regional Sales manager , miko coffee ltd
Date Posted: 2013/09/09
by IRPHAN GHANI , Senior Management , A

In such a situation, focusing more on extra value additions that one can offer will be a strong proposition benefiting the customer.

Extra Value additions that the product / services / technology / return on investement / after sales service are some of the examples required to be stressed upon.

islam mohamed  kotb
by islam mohamed kotb , مصمم جرافيك , nahj

مهارتك فى كل من

1-مهارتك فى العمل

2- مهارتك فى التعامل مع اصحاب العمل ووضع انطباع جيد فى كلا من اعضاء فريق العمل ومؤسيك


Skill in each of the1 - your skills in the work2 - skill in dealing with employers and put a good impression on both members of the team work and Masak

Amr Kilany
by Amr Kilany , Digital Marketing Consultant , FREELANCER

They focused on the quantity.. so go and focus on the quality .

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