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How many important technique use for inventory control system.?

1. Setting up of various stock levels.2. Preparations of inventory budgets.3. Maintaining perpetual inventory system.4. Establishing proper purchase procedures.5. Inventory turnover ratios. and6. ABC analysis.

Question added by Muhammad Saleem , Buyer/Inventory Analyst , Steclu Electrical design ltd Canada
Date Posted: 2015/12/20
ibrahim adel
by ibrahim adel , Inventory Control Coordinator & Ware House Supervisor , extra ( United Electronics Co.)

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1) Daily CYC for high value items .

2) control the DRTV & damage and follow up to decreas the value .

3) Control the NEG sales to accrute the inventroy value you have.

RodelJunior Padua
by RodelJunior Padua , Purchaser , YMCO

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1. Setting up a well verse process work flow and systematic procedures on how a daily transaction will proceed  

2. Strict implementation of First In First Out procedure

3.Creating a minimum and a maximum inventory level

4.Regular recording & reconciling

5.Hiring quality people that will perform all of the above task.


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