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If we confront a situation with an important customer where he demands things which are against policy of company, what will you do compromise or quit?

Date Posted: 2013/09/15
amer jayyousi
by amer jayyousi , Business Development Consultant , freelance

we negotiate with him to arrive at a win win situation without  breaking our policy. negotiating is away of explaining to him the importance of our policies,why we have them,and how much we  value you you as acustomer to spend time and effort in helping you and helping you understand our situation.

at the end give him something of value to him and of little or of no value to you.

the key in your question was importand customer and company policies.

work around keping this important customer while preserving company policies.


never quit.

by IRPHAN GHANI , Senior Management , A

Though professionaly it will not be wise to compromise on the set policies but looking at the trend of such practises geeting deep rooted into the system one needs to be flexible at times if required without setting any precedent. 

Ahmed K. Rashid
by Ahmed K. Rashid , Operation Manager , Mazrui Minerals Trading

It is not about quitting or compromising it's about understanding the situation and resolves it accordingly.

We all have rules, regulations and policies but on certain circumstances rules and regulations have to be set side in order to retain the value customers as one off situation but at the same time not to set as a precedent.

Imran Khan
by Imran Khan , regional Sales manager , miko coffee ltd

This would depend on the severity of the situation and in most cases where the error was made and how it effects the business.

making a compromise for a long term gain and still being profitable wouldbe acceptable provided the error was due to not following protocol100%.

what makes eevery scenario unique in dealing with clients is the human element and perception there fore every organisation always taken into account a credit value in case of those kind of situations.

Deleted user
by Deleted user

"A bird in hand is worth two in a bush". At a time when there is so much of competition and difficultty in finding a good customer, I would not lose a customer for petty things. If you are already over stressed in this particular deal, one can always extend "Good Will" benefits to that customer against future purchases/deals. I beleive every manager has some discretionary powers to extend something to a customer and of course such decesions have to be backed with a solid logic when you face the management.

Naeem Akram
by Naeem Akram , Finance Exective , Abu Dhabi islamic Bank

Every orignization having its own policies but these policies can not be followed100% so there should be exception and credit risk departments review the all senerio like as customer company,gross earning,lenght of services,accounts details,central bank repute etc.i think we can give him as much as we can.

Vikash Vikash
by Vikash Vikash , Sr.BUSINESS SALES MANAGER , iciciprudential

Dear Sir,

In that situation, we should directly but softly convey our pilicy to the Customer rather than deviating from Topic.

Please advice him too not to get any such service which is out of regulation & policy of Bank.

Always good for the Customer..

It strengthen the image infront of Client.



Vikash Singh


icici bank

Mirza Rafiqul Zaman
by Mirza Rafiqul Zaman , Operations Support Manager , Confidential

offcourse quit, clean hands brought always clean services.

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