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How could we align the HR strategies with the organizational strategies ?

Question added by Tarek El Dulla , Hotel Training Manager , Fairmont Heliopolis & Towers Hotel, Cairo. Egypt
Date Posted: 2016/01/12
Deleted user
by Deleted user

Understand the organisational strategies first, determine your plan, set your goals and call your team. After this you need to clarify the link between the strategies to your team. Finally divide the plans into short term and long term plans. Try your best to assess your results periodically.

All the best

Muhammad Sherif
by Muhammad Sherif , Founder, Managing Director & Sr. Lead Business Consultant , New Directions Consulting, Training & Services

HR departments sometimes are left to deal with only administrative functions, such as recruitment, performance management, training and compensation. These functions are important, but on their own, they form no part of how an organization plans for the right level of human resources to deliver on its plans and ambitions. Empowering your HR department to add value to your business strategy ensures it undertakes its functional activities in a manner that supports growth and success.An effective HR strategy with clear links to the business strategy enables your organization to align its activities better with its human resources. An HR department that understands the demands of your business strategy can help ensure you have the right people in place to deliver on your ambitions and support growth. HR departments integrated into the senior strategic management team can work across the organization ensuring that human resource requirements are considered equally with other organizational investments.Organizations are affected by a huge range of external and internal factors that together can change the nature of individual job roles or place new demands on individuals skill sets. An HR strategy linked to the organizational strategy is better placed to anticipate any such changes and therefore can put in place a targeted training and development plan to help the organization more quickly adapt to new circumstances.Employees who feel better supported in their jobs tend to be happier and more productive. Furthermore, organizations with a positive reputation in the jobs market for taking care of its workforce face fewer barriers to effective recruitment. Taken together, these factors are important elements in illustrating why HR strategy must link to organizational strategy. With recruitment and retention being two key areas where monetary value can be assigned, a more stable and better-trained workforce means improved operating profits.A mature approach to HR strategy places it at the center of understanding an organization's overall capacity and capability. Having a clear concept of your employees and their different skills can help you see where your organization has potential for development and growth and help you structure your organization to take advantage of emerging opportunities. Organizations that have reached this point in their development see HR as a key driver of strategy and integral to their future success, rather than as a simple administrative function that ensures everyone gets paid on time.

by Waseem ALIMAM , HR Manager , Maa-Althahab Fragrances

Normal organization mast have goals which comes from its vision and mission. Furthermore, there are yearly plan and strategies for each department to reach those goals. So HR department as a part in the organization share its efforts towards accomplishing its goals and strategies which are serve the general organization goals. Apply KPI's recommended in this manner.

Krupa K Atluri
by Krupa K Atluri

Create a vertical-alignment strategy to improve decision-making, people outcomes, processes, and profits. Align HR functions with the organization to execute strategies.

A well-researched and presented organizational strategy is a valuable blueprint for how you're going to run an Organization. An effective strategy sets a clear vision and ambition for your company while identifying the necessary resources required to deliver on it, including your people. Linking your HR strategy to your organizational strategy makes good business sense for a number of reasons:

·  1.Strategic Alignment of HR

     2. Delivering the Strategy

   3.Effective Training and Development

   4. Improved Recruitment and Retention

   5.HR Drives Strategy



by MASOOQUE ALI , PAYROLL OFFICER , Arabian Bemco Contracting Co. Ltd

by proper co ordination, objective and implemention.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

by coordinate and communication between all departments with main goal & co. vision


ahmed alyahiri
by ahmed alyahiri , محامي حر , مكتب المحامي عبدالرحمن الأهدل

Coordination with each other and should be the goals and objectives one .


majid saba
by majid saba , Assistant Manager , Agility integrated logistic


Every organization has vision and mission. Now the Question arise that how and who will be at right place at the right time to play important role in that vision and mission. For that HR specialties decision making process to make strong strategy. That strategy has goal and objective. Now hire the HR deportment will be showing their skill that how will more efficient for target objective to achieve within time period.


د Waleed
by د Waleed , Management - Leadership-Business Administration-HR&Training-Customer Service/Retention -Call Center , Multi Companies Categories: Auditing -Trade -Customer service -HR-IT&Internet -Training&Consultation

In addition to the answers I would add that HR strategies should meet the organization strategies by :

1. Knowing the goal(s) of the company

2. Knowing the stargeties

3. Coordinating with other departments

4. Following up and updating


Then strategies should be aligned  !


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