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What is better for internal use? absorption or variable costing?

Question added by Mohammad Ashi CFA CMA , Group Finance Manager , QOAD
Date Posted: 2016/01/18
Dan Omondi
by Dan Omondi , Lead Associate , Best Practice Consulting Services

Yes; training does not necessarily translate into performance. Many factors influence performance, from on boarding, general environment, equity and morale. Motivation and dedication can therefore drive a less qualified or less trained employee to perform better.

Abdelrhman Alaa  Mohamed Ali
by Abdelrhman Alaa Mohamed Ali , Financial Controller , AFAC United

actually variable and absorbption cost methods has an issues . to aviod this issues we use ABC Cost method

variable costing as it prohibit the manipulation of production manger to increase prodctuion at end of the period and as a result increase operation income

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