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Type the follwing command in PowerShell console.
get-windowsfeature web-server
get-windowsfeature web*
browse localhost ip in browser.. It shows IIS default page or else it is not installed or correctly configured.
browse http://localhost on any browser on that particular server. If it display IIS web page, IIS service is running otherwise not running.
You can check by telnet <IP Address> 80
Open the url in an browser and check the IIS Service is running in Service managment
Browse http://Localhost once IIS get installed and Telnet port 80 to make sure it is working
Browse the localhost from i.e browse http://localhost ,when you browse to localhost launches default IIS Page with version .
Type in Services.msc in run command go to services
Look for the World Wide Web Publishing Service
If the status is Started IIS is running
The Startup Type will tell you if it is set to start Automatically
on another side
1)run inetmgr by
2) select the default web site, Right click , Browse, it will open page in browser as http://localhost and serve default document of that particular website.
open Brwser type your ip .or you dont assignt any ip siplly write localhost..
but remmebr b defualt port 8- is been used ,..but in skype also use defualt port 80 so you need to asign another pot or change skype default por
open run window and write inetmgr and this will open IIS manager snap in
select default web site from the navigation tree at your left
select browse web site from actions panel at your right and this will open a browser page showing IIS default page
or you can easily open cmd prompt and run the below command
telnet localhost 80
it should open a blank screen with a blinking dash
telnet <ip address> 80
if it is not connected , iis service is not running.