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As a mom, what are the things I need to do to treat my child's food poisoning quickly?

Question added by Lana Oudeh , PR Coordinator , Al Ghanem
Date Posted: 2016/02/11
عبد الرحمن ابراهيم محمد العمايره
by عبد الرحمن ابراهيم محمد العمايره , معلم , وزارة التربية والتعليم

How to deal with food poisoning


* In the search for an effective and fast treatment for food poisoning, reflected the benefits of ginger for human health, which maintains an effective and important capabilities in this matter, as it helps in the treatment of colds and obesity, as it is - like other spices and natural herbs - as a natural pharmacy can be used in resistance and treatment of many health problems.


* Research and medical studies also have shown that the benefits of ginger also it helps in the treatment of food poisoning as well as many of the digestive tract diseases, so drinking a cup of drink ginger or fresh ginger slices doctors recommend, after a meal of fatty, so as to avoid the feeling of heartburn, nausea, and other symptoms that indicate the incidence of food poisoning.


Treatment of food poisoning at home - a major


* The honey-rich foods with numerous preventive and useful elements in the treatment of many diseases, and in this context, try eating a teaspoon of honey added drops of ginger drink, several times a day to reduce inflammation and pain.


* Is a lemon stronger treatment for food poisoning, because it contains anti-viral and microbial infections elements, it also helps get rid of the bacteria that cause food poisoning, so it is advisable to mix one teaspoon of lemon juice with a little sugar, and eat three times a day.

When the incidence of food poisoning must be present in mind the need for fluid and salt are replaced, and the original that is compensated fluids and salts through taken orally, and in special cases a duplicate of vomiting or low blood pressure, increased pulse or high body temperature or fatigue severe patients or get affected in and kidney function, especially in the elderly, children or people with a chronic disease, it may require compensation fluids and salts give it intravenously, also can use natural ways to treat the problems and the effects of food poisoning, and treatment Center academic Applied offer some of the effective natural ways to treat food poisoning and its impacts serious complications, and can be found on how to deal with food poisoning in the link below. * Natural ways to treat cases of food poisoning: Honey: Honey treat each Rabbani diseases and health problems, and at the incidence of food poisoning, all kinds of natural honey is very useful in the treatment effects and complications, can mix three tablespoons of honey with a cup of lukewarm water and drink it four times a day. Cinnamon: Cinnamon months spice in the world and almost not without a home of them, and cinnamon therapeutic benefit for many diseases, and reminds researchers that they have discovered the effectiveness of cinnamon in the treatment of food poisoning, especially caused by infection with bacteria (E. coli), and can be infected with food poisoning quarter teaspoon intake to one teaspoon material cinnamon, or boil the right amount of cinnamon sticks with a glass of water and drink natural sweetening with honey. Natural milk: Cattle, sheep and dairy camel milk is very useful in the ambulance infected food poisoning, featuring camel milk without other dairy and other animal owning vehicles with protein nature Kallizosem and anticoagulants and anti-poisoning, anti-microbial and objects prohibitive and others, so the camel's milk have unique characteristics to resist sporulation, and during specific period of time these objects impede the proliferation of microorganisms, and can be infected with food poisoning drinking breast milk according to his ability and quantity desired by. # Tips infected food poisoning: - Drink sufficient amounts of fresh water, especially in the case of severe diarrhea or vomiting, eating this water will not be a big payments even in small batches. - Refrain from eating foods or drinks for a few hours (non-purified water). - Gradient in the eating, by eating a little easy to digest foods, brown bread or bananas or cooked white rice is very little fat or boiled potatoes. - Avoid certain types of foods temporarily, such as industrial whole milk and caffeinated drinks and fatty foods or types of added spices or chilli foods. - Get enough physical comfort. - Avoid taking medication to stop diarrhea, which may cause slowly in ridding the body of bacteria and chemicals causing the problem of food poisoning.

Marivic Darvin
by Marivic Darvin , Customer Service Associate , Accenture - Philippines

First, give your kid a glass of warm water with little amount of lemon juice, pinch of salt and sugar then stir it.  If with stomach pain, continous drinking of water to avoid dehydration and eat light food. 

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
by Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

I fully agree with the answers been added by EXPERTS...............Thanks.

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

Agree With answers given by: Marivic Darvin  & dalal alharbi 

hassan younis
by hassan younis , مهندس , جهاز استثمار مياه النهر الصناعي

Sorry, this is not my specialty

hatem ahmed
by hatem ahmed , اداري بالشؤون الادارية و الموظفين , شركة جودت للمقاولات المحدوده

brown bread or bananas or cooked white rice is very little fat or boiled potatoes. - Avoid certain types of foods temporarily, such as industrial whole milk and caffeinated drinks and fatty foods or types of added spices or chilli foods. - Get enough physical comfort. - Avoid taking medication to stop diarrhea, which may cause slowly in ridding the body of bacteria and chemicals causing the problem of food poisoning.


Ahmad  AlMaghariz
by Ahmad AlMaghariz , مترجم , Knowledge Point


Bassam Ali Mohammed Al-mamari
by Bassam Ali Mohammed Al-mamari , مساعد الرصد والتقييم , برودجي سيستمز

It's important to avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of water, even if you can only sip it, as you need to replace any fluids lost through vomiting and diarrhoea.

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