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In your opinion, what are the things you find in an environment that has cultural diversity but are missing from an environment consisting of the same culture?

Question added by Dana Qaisi , Social Media Specialist , N/A
Date Posted: 2016/02/17
Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

humanistic values................................

تحسين صوان
by تحسين صوان , محاسب رئيسي , ش العربيه لصناعه المواسير (شركه مساهمه عامه )

Sorry I do not have an answer. Thank you for the invitation

Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

mmmmmm we can see Dubai in culture is good but in same time the leave wine is available there


Yaqoub Alomar
by Yaqoub Alomar , Civil Engineer , Al-Zubeir municipality

Agree with the experts


مها شرف
by مها شرف , معلمة لغة عربية , وزارة التربية السورية

I agree with specialties answers. Thanks.

عبد الرحمن ابراهيم محمد العمايره
by عبد الرحمن ابراهيم محمد العمايره , معلم , وزارة التربية والتعليم

There can be cooperation and solidarity among civilizations without respect for cultural peculiarities in their diversity, as to what these specificities of closely related to psychological balance and stability of peoples and the advancement and development.

So how is the reality of respect for cultural diversity today, especially after the globalization of our world transformed today into a global village, where the information flow from the most powerful nations towards the weaker nations, and after what led to the fall of the Soviet Union for a unipolar one in which one country dictates its will on the whole world a global system?

The definition adopted by the late Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic to the concepts of culture and civilization in a very good understanding of the states deal with each other in this area.

See Bosnian president Alija Izetbegovic [1]: "The culture and civilization crosses each of the existing world itself; The word culture" culture "related to the etymological hand b" culte "They worship; the word civilization civilisation relate to the word of the homeland" civis "or home. the holder of culture is human as an individual, and the holder of civilization is the community; and the goal of culture is gaining strength to control the self through science, but the goal of civilization is gaining strength to control nature through science. culture meaning "art, which will be its human human being"; The civilization, means "the art work and control industry and industry-minute things"; and culture is the creation of a continuous ", but civilization is the" constant change for the world. "

Thus lives of people and nations always been skirmishes between the desires of culture at the level of the individual and the bursts of civilization at the level of states. And often they tend to rush cultural hegemony, aggression and robbery on the other property to be able to achieve greater production and consumption. That was the "imperialist history says Alija Izetbegovic series of true stories of the peoples of the civilized waged wars unjust, excisional and Astebadih the peoples of the underdeveloped less educated, it was not her fault, but she defends herself and her freedom. The educational level upscale invaders; not affect the goals or methods, I've only helped on the efficiency of the invaders and defeat impose on others. "[2]

This is confirmed by Christian Dupree Christian de Brie saying: "Western civilization was not built its global hegemony since the dawn of the 16th century to the present day, except on the mountains of the massacres and crimes against humanity, marked by unprecedented in history, in terms of its size and duration of unhappy brutally "[3]

The find pointed out that the West does not hesitate to call the meanings of moral and humane to justify the invasion and practices aggressive; it has talked in the past about "the white man's message" holy mission is to "prepare" the underdeveloped nations, such as what they are talking today about the transfer of freedom, democracy and human rights of the peoples of the South.

The first targets of empires to extend its dominance of the targeted people is breaking down cultural structure to lose this last balance factors and thus facilitates the invader can do whatever he pleases. [4]

Underlining the seriousness of the culture infrastructure targeting, Philip Ongelard says [5]: "is not a developmental difficulties that you find some states, stranger to the culture shock received by the (...) is the African continent, estimated its population to 600 million people, more than displays of cultural destruction, which explains that the production is not equal to only 1.2% of world production, which is less than two-thirds of the production of France. "[6] The production of Africa and the Sahara does not exceed the production of Belgium or the Netherlands." [7].

Attributes of Western culture:

Among the features actors in the culture of domination, we find: the disarmament of holiness for everything including human utilitarian fractional racist violence.

The Amplify Dr. Abdul Wahab Meseiri clarify how stripped secular all the holiness of human after Vkkth and turned it into the functions of a group (Biologioh and psychological); knowledge is secular, completely separate from any moral or perfect or absolute values, but also of any humanitarian values ​​of knowledge. "The they are utilitarian mentality which deals with the world from the perspective of pleasure and benefit, thus M_hh all achieved these purposes.

Outlook fractional, is the opposite of a holistic view which is characterized by the Eastern peoples, which is why the West is dealing with every sphere of economic, political, cultural and social independent humanitarian action from each other, to work, each according to its domestic laws without regard to any external reference. And the performance of each sector evaluated according to internal standards, without regard to any absolute values ​​beyond him. [8] The racism has become during the eighteenth and nineteenth essential component of a broader structure is the structure of the "European self-centeredness." Thus, higher Gobineau in his varied human races of the year in 1853, down the white race, which made him the question, and no one else, the production of science, art and civilization; the Weavers Fimthelon ethnic minimum, ethnic Donathm approval of the order of nature, which recognizes the principle of racial inequality.

The violence who shall in Western culture on philosophical grounds; Echtzlha Thomas Hobbes Tomas Hobbes (15881679) the first in these words: "As the basis of the natural right is the right of every person to defend himself using all possible means, the natural state is a state of war: The human being is by its very nature is a social being: "man wolf to humans." This is due Philip Ongelard until the outbreak of the wars Aalmetin to cultural considerations, where he says: "Western modernity has brought about a cultural gap enough to lead to self-annihilation and did not know her history ever seen, represented in the two world wars and colors of genocides. African manifestations of violence do not represent compared with what happened in the West, but just play for children "[9].

Western civilization and still continues to seek to extend its cultural influence on others, but today the principal actor in this campaign is the United States. Serge Latouche Serge latouche says in this regard: "a handful of advanced rich nations a hub, the United States occupies the heart site; the rest of the world there is only a suburb wide. Thus we can talk about a real cultural invasion by the United States, with supplementary additions here or there to other countries or from countries of the North. "

It is what the United States insists on his assertion. It has told David Rotkopf (David Rothkopf), who was previously responsible in the Clinton administration, saying quite coldly: "For the United States, should be the central goal of foreign policy in the era of information, is a victory in the battle of the flow of global information, to control the waves of communication, as Great Britain was controlled in the past in the seas. " "It is the interest of the United States, in the case if the world adopted a common language, to ensure that this language be is English; and ensure, if the world moved towards common standards in the areas of communications, security and quality, these are American standards, and keen if what it has been linked to various countries via television, radio, music, programs to be an American, and if adopted by common values, then let those values ​​espoused by the Americans. " Certainly concluded that all that is in favor of the United States, the benefit of mankind! "

On the nature of culture to be disseminated to the world, historian Ronald Steel says (Ronald Steel): "We spread the culture to meet the wishes of the masses and Tzlatha, culture venerated search for pleasure and benefit, and accumulation even when you talk about individuality and abundance. The cultural messages Nntherha through Hollywood and Mac Donald, spread to the world to lure other societies and undermine it as well. We are unlike traditional invaders, do not limit ourselves to others enslaving, but victory to earn their love. all of this, of course, for their own good. the enthusiasm in spreading the most severe in the world values ​​(.. .) that is why we are not surprised that many people feel that what we represent is a threat to them. "[10]

And the right of humanity that is wary of the cultural onslaught of cosmic Altnmaitih aimed at them, through the media, transcontinental, and other means of communication and education, because it is aimed at looting of all the people of their identity and turning them into mere deaf numbers in the consumer markets of production plants.

Ricardo Patrila Riccardo petrella "says the education required in the logic of globalization discourse utilitarian purely with the theme of education to be harnessed for the benefit of the composition" human resource ", which is merely an economic commodity that must be available everywhere. It's just a" resource "is organized and reduce its value, and rehabilitation , and give it up when necessary by its usefulness to the enterprise. basic office is used which was entrusted to the husbandry is the formation of human resources for the benefit of contracting [11]. "this will not be achieved only by multiplying the cultural structure of the target peoples, it may be under the pretext of development, as expressed by a development experts when he said "economic development does not fit into the country is developing stuck with the citizens of this country, customs and traditional practices. the break with the traditions and customs, a precondition for economic progress. must be a radical change in all institutions, social, cultural, religious and behaviors, and thus to be able to change the psychological situation of the people and style their lives. "[12]

It should be noted that the United States and Israel are the only countries balked at approval by UNESCO in 2005 to protect and promote cultural diversity agreement, and agreed to by 148 countries. If the objective of the Jewish state of this objection is to melt the cultural identity and erase the historical memory of the Arabs and Muslims, the goal of the United States is what is expressed very clearly Kristen Silverberg, senior official in the US Department of State in charge of International Organization Affairs, saying: "We hope that agreement is used as a pretext to block our efforts aimed at liberalizing global trade. "

As for the Muslim world, there went targeting Islam itself; and it is not today: Edward Said says: "The West is Christian colonial was the initiator party clash, colonialism, and always keen to tarnish the image of Arabs and Muslims and skepticism in Islam, and the vilification of the Islamic cultural value in order to impose his will and dictate terms and control economically, politically and culturally to the Arab and Islamic peoples, and to prevent unity and renaissance. We have characterized Western attacks by violence and focus on the Islamic world because it was the exception, who has faced Western colonial control of the East. "[13]

It was Dick Cheney who first said at the World Conference for Security Affairs, held in Munich, Germany, in early 1995, "Islam is the enemy alternative post-communist"; a position which was confirmed quite clearly John Major, former British Prime Minister said: "We have finished communism came the role of Islam . "[14]

It was the most dangerous entrance adopted by the West to tarnish the image of Arabs and Muslims is education, so that poses the minds and the minds of emerging and Aahnha prejudices in educational early stages, is grown where ideas, concepts and values ​​are difficult to be taken away later, which often form the bulwark in the face of any communication or dating.

Says Dr. Marlene Nasr after he conducted research on the image of Islam and Arabs in French textbooks as "that this picture looks passive and inert and underdeveloped, characterized by its hostility to the other at various levels, along that these Arab desert nomads, the Arabs today Fgaibon or rather odds and ends. " [15]

In the United States, after the contents of the 36 school of Social Sciences book, scheduled for the elementary and middle schools in the state of California students in the academic year 1975-74 analysis, Dr. Iyad Agazzaz US expert Arab discovered "a distorted image of Islam overly confirm aggressiveness, as well as the image of slavery and the Centre for women's low, and mixing the authors of textbooks deliberately between the Koran and the Sunna, was portraying Arabs as a people Badawi. "[16]

The researcher Adawia science has discovered that 58 of the assessed from kindergarten to ninth grade books, in the American curriculum, focusing on the characteristics of the fighting spirit of Islam, and neglecting his philosophy in peace; the processing of Arab nationalism was a distorted focus on the aggressive characteristics of the alleged Arab man.

The second area, which relies to perpetuate the negative image among Westerners, is "popular novel"; The Dr. Anas Al-Shaikh Ali, head of the London office of the World Institute for Islamic Thought, studied 300 popular novel; noted that the trend of anti-Islam in these novels began increasing dramatically the quality and quantity since the early seventies. It occupies "radical Islamists" in these novels, the site of the criminals and villains, as it seeks the heroes of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, or others of the other heroes to save the world from the "satanic conspiracies." Islam and Muslims, as well as being rich material to other two types of the popular novel: two romantic novel (by targeting women readers) and the novels of sexual porn, and that women and unimaginable exploit the cheap, where abused Muslims in, and employs Muslim East as the theater of sexual fantasy and debauchery.

Then comes the role of the media. According to Edward Said, in this regard, in his speech on "Orientalism": "occupy Arab Muslim in the United States featured prominently in the media, but they carry a negative value, it is vandal resist the existence of Israel and the West in the Middle East, or presents an obstacle can be overcome for the creation of Israel in 1948 , which is an extension of civilization to the West, and is linked to the Arab in movies and TV, either to commit evil openly or treachery and deceit starved for blood. the show is dissolved, the energy overly sexual, mighty undoubtedly intrigue consummate dodgy but - essentially - Sadie, Khaon, decadent, dealer fluffy, passengers Jamal , psoriasis, a scoundrel, a multi-shadows. "[17]" is not much different components of the mental image of Arabs and Muslims and Islam in the United States than in Europe. "[18].

There is even a media business of fueling the clash of civilization; it has issued Talmudic school Fraser Ha Torah Aish HaTorah funded by the Jewish state, a documentary titled "Obsession: Radical Islam's War on the West, Radical Islam's War Against the West,"; It encourages clearly on "clash of civilizations, it also analyzes the journalist and writer Thierry Meyssan [19] Thierry Meyssa in a lengthy search in which the analysis of the approved techniques to incite Muslims

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
by Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

I fully agree with the answers been added by EXPERTS................Thanks.

Rasha Maarabouni
by Rasha Maarabouni , Executive Registrar , Lebanese International University

In my opinion, 

The environment with cultural diversity is distinguished by:

1. Language Barriers

2. Social Tension

3. Workplace Issues

4. Diverse Experience

5. Learning new things


While the environment where there is same culture, we have:

1. Same language

2. Social peace

3. Less workplace issues

4. Inability to learn new things or new experiences.

Yahia mohamed  Amen Gad
by Yahia mohamed Amen Gad , إدارة - مدرب - , سنابل الأجيال للتعليم والتدريب

Thank you very much for the invitation and I agree with the answer , Mr. Abdul Rahman

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