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Why GUI operating system is more popular than CUI based operating system ?

Question added by Prijay Maharjan
Date Posted: 2016/02/20
Deepak Baral
by Deepak Baral , Assistant Manager System , Gopalpru Ports Limited

A GUI can display graphics, symbols and other visual cues as opposed to strictly text, unlike the CUI. GUIs are much easier to navigate, as they make the use of a mouse possible.Therefore GUI is more popular than CUI.

uriah yisa
by uriah yisa , students industrial work experience scheme (siwes) , independent national electoral commission (INEC)

gateway user interface (GUL) is the reference that supported in windows CE.NET 4.2 has more friendly than common user interface (CUL).

Deepak Baral
by Deepak Baral , Remarks

Because GUI provide an interface between user and hardware of a system. It is more user friendly than CUI.

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