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Depends on the type of delivery that customer has requested and also the cutoff time which company is using, It varies from one company to another may be 1 hour
Same day delivery
standard delivery
Express Delivery
Specialised eCommerce Warehouse Management System need to used in proper thorical system and proper entry needs at least 1 hours.
Following is the opinion of a person working in the field:
Within 30 minutes to 1 hour is a realistic target for a company using a specialised eCommerce warehouse management system. We've had clients push back their cut-off times for next day delivery by up to 4 hours. The restriction becomes how late in the evening...or early in the morning your last next day courier can collect. As a reference point, we've helped companies with 5 people in the warehouse up to 200 meet this target for performance. The surprising 'norm' for companies that do not have a specialised system to help is that a busy we.ekend of orders can result in Monday's backlog not being cleared by Tuesday or even Wednesday in some cases
agree with all expert answers
Almost agreeing with the above answers from experts
will go with the option of one hour...............
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