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What is meant by line and staff organisation? How does it differ from functional organisation?

Question added by Deleted user
Date Posted: 2016/03/24
Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi
by Ahmed Mohamed Ayesh Sarkhi , Shared Services Supervisor , Saudi Musheera SJS Co.

Staff and line are names given to different types of functions in organizations. A "line function" is one that directly advances an organization in its core work. This always includes production and sales, and sometimes also marketing.

Ghada Eweda
by Ghada Eweda , Medical sales hospital representative , Pfizer pharmaceutical Plc.

Forms of Organisational Structure: Line , Functional, and Line and Staff Organisation (with respective advantages and disadvantages)

The adoption of a particular form of organisational structure largely depends upon the nature, scale and size of the business. The organisational structure is primarily concerned with the allocation of activities or tasks and delegation of authority.

1. Line Organisation:

Line organisation is the simplest and the oldest type of organisation. It is also known as scalar organisation or military type of organisation. In the words of J.M. Lundy, “It is characterized by direct lines of authority flowing from the top to the bottom of the organizational hierarchy and lines of responsibility flowing in an opposite but equally direct manner.”


An important characteristic of such type of organisation is superior-subordinate relationship. Superior delegates authority to another subordinate and so on, forming a line from the very top to the bottom of the organisation structure. The line of authority so established is referred as “line authority.” Under this type of organisation authority flows downwards, responsibility moves upwards in a straight line. Scalar principle and unity of command are strictly followed in line organisation.

This type of organisation resembles with the army administration or military type of organisation. As in case of military, commander-in-chief holds the top most position and has the entire control over the army of the country, which in turn is developed into main area commands under major-generals.

Each area has brigade under brigadier-generals, each brigade is fabricated into regiments under its colonels, each regiment into battalions under majors, each battalion into companies under captains, each company sub-divided under its lieutenants and so on drawn to corporal with his squad.

Types of line organization:

Line organisation is of two type’s viz. (a) Simple or Pure Line Organisation (b) Departmental Line Organisation

(a) Simple or Pure Line Organisation:

In the ‘Pure Line organisation’ the activities (at any level of management) are the same with each man performing the same type of work and the divisions primarily exist for the purpose of control and direction. In practice, such type of organisation rarely exists.

The following diagram shows the pure line organisation:

pure line organisation

In this type of organisation all the workers perform the same type of work. The departmental divisions are made only for the sake of convenience of supervision and management.

(b) Departmental line organisation:

Under this type of organisation, an organisation is divided into various departments headed by different departmental heads. All the departments operate under the ultimate control of general manager. The orders flow directly from the general manager to all the departmental heads that in turn pass on to their respective subordinates.

Likewise, the subordinates, inturn, communicate the orders to the workers under them. The various departmental heads will be perfectly independent of each other and they will enjoy equal status the central idea, in the formation of such departments is not similarly or dis-similarity of functions or activities, but unity of control and line authority and responsibility from the top of the organisation to the bottom.

Suitability of line organization:

The line organisation can be successfully followed where (a) scale of operations is limited or business is on small scale basis, (b) work is simple and routine in nature, (c) business is being done in continuous type of industries like oil refining, sugar, spinning and weaving etc., (d) the labour management problems are not complex and can be easily resolved, (e) the machinery is automatic, and (J) the workers are disciplined.

Suitability of line organization

Characteristics of line organization:

The main features of line organisation are as follows:

1. Orders and instructions flow from top to the bottom, whereas requests and suggestions move from bottom to top.

2. The principle of unity of command is the most salient feature of this type of organisation. In simple words, the orders are received by the subordinates from one boss.

3. The subordinates are accountable to their immediate superior.

4. There are limited numbers of subordinates under one superior.

5. This is simple to operate and control.

6. Co-ordination can be easily achieved.

Advantages of line organization:

Following are the main advantages of line organisation:

1. Simplicity:

It is very simple to establish and operate. It can be easily understood by the employees.

2. Fixed responsibility:

Duties and responsibilities are clearly defined for each individual with reference to the work assigned to him. As a result everybody knows to whom he is responsible and who are responsible to him. Nobody can avoid responsibility.

3. Discipline:

This type of organisation ensures better discipline in the enterprise. Singleness of responsibilities facilitates discipline in the organisation. The workers at the lower levels will be more loyal and responsible to one single boss rather than to a number of bosses.

4. Flexibility:

It is flexible in the sense that it is subject to quick adjustments to suit to changing conditions. In the words of Wheeler, “It permits rapid and orderly decisions in meeting problems at various levels of organisation”. In simple words, it is more adaptive to the changed circumstances.

5. Co-ordination:

It helps to achieve effective co- ordination. All the activities pertaining to single department are controlled by one person.

6. Direct communication:

As there will be direct communication between the superior and the subordinates at different levels it would be helpful in achieving promptness in performance.

7. Unity of command:

Every worker is accountable to one boss in the department under this type of organisation. In this manner it is in accordance with the principle of unity of command.

8. Economical:

It is not complex and expensive. It is simple and economical in operation. It does not need any expert and specialised personnel.

9. Quick decisions:

On account of its simple operation and unified control and responsibility, decisions can be taken promptly. The process of decision-making is further quickened as the decision is taken by one person.

10. Executive development:

Under this organisation, the department head is fully responsible for every activity in his department. He discharges his responsibilities in an efficient manner. He comes across many problems and obstacles in performing his duties.

This provides him an ample opportunity to enhance his capabilities and organisational abilities and is greatly helpful in his overall development and performance.

Disadvantages of line organization:

Following are the main drawbacks of line organisation:

1. Overloading:

The main disadvantage of this system is that it tends to overload the existing executive with too many responsibilities. The work may not be performed effectively on account of innumerable tasks before the single executive.

2. Lack of specialization:

Absence of managerial specialisation is the major drawback of this system. On account of many functions and complexities it is very difficult for a single individual to control all the matters effectively.

The executive may not be expert in all aspects of managerial activities. The burden of responsibilities on the shoulders of the manager can crush him under the heavy workload.

3. Scope for favoritisms:

There may be a good deal of favouritism and nepotism under this type of organization. As the concerned officer will judge the performance of the persons at work according to his own norms, it is possible that efficient people may be left behind and inefficient or ‘yes men’ may get higher and better posts.

4. Lack of co-ordination:

In reality it is very difficult to achieve proper co­ordination among various departments operating in an organisation. This is because each departmental manager or head carries the functioning of his department in accordance with the ways and means suitable to him.

This leads to lack of uniformity in operation among various departments which is detrimental in achieving proper co­ordination in the overall functioning of the various departments operating in the organisation.

5. Lack of initiative:

Under line organization, ultimate authority lies in the hands of top management and departmental managers or heads have little powers. This adversely affects their initiative and enthusiasm to motivate the subordinates working under them.

6. Lack of communication from lower ranks:

Under line organisation suggestions move from down to upwards the superiors usually do not pay attention to suggestions sent by lower ranks. This leads to inadequacy of communication from subordinates to superiors.

2. Functional Organisation:

F.W. Taylor, who is better known as the father of scientific management developed the concept of ‘Functional Organisation’. As the very name suggests, functional organisation implies that the organisation should be based on various functions. Taylor’s functional approach is mainly based on principle of specialization and tries to bring about organisational balance.

The principle of specialisation embodies the concept that both the workers and the supervisors can develop a higher degree of proficiency by separating the manual from the mental requirements. Taylor recommended that there should be functionalisation even at the shop level where workers have to produce goods. He felt that the usual practice of putting one foreman incharge of some 40 to 50 workers should be avoided.

Taylor’s concept of Functional Foremanship (as he puts it), is a system comprising of eight different foremen discharging different functions. Every worker in the organisation is directly connected with these foremen.

The eight specialist foremen are:

(a) Route Clerk, (b) Instructions Card Clerk, (c) Time and Cost Clerk, (d) Shop Disciplinarian, (e) Gang Boss, (f) Speed Boss, (g) Repair Boss, and (h) Inspector. The first four bosses operate from Planning Department, whereas the other four are known as Executive Functional Bosses. They function in the production department.

A brief explanation of these eight functional foremen is given below: 

(a) Route clerk:

He lays down the exact path or route to be followed by raw material transforming it into finished product.

(b) Instruction card clerk:

He prepares detailed instructions to be followed in doing the work as per the route laid down by the route clerk.

(c) Time and cost clerk:

He determines the total time to be taken in the completion of a product and also works out the cost of production per unit and total cost. He prepares various work schedules and cost sheets in order to have proper control over time and cost incurred in producing goods.

(D) Shop disciplinarian:

He is responsible for maintaining proper discipline in the organisation. In fact, he is the guardian of orderliness in the factory. In the words of Kimball and Kimball Jr. “The shop disciplinarian is responsible for discipline and good order, fie is also the peacemaker and assists in adjusting wages.”

He is helpful in resolving minor disputes regarding wages, holidays, working conditions and hours of work etc. He initiates a proper code of conduct in the organisation.

(e) Gang boss:

He makes the availability of different machines and tools required by workers to carry out their work. He also provides various production designs, drawings, raw materials etc.

(f) Speed boss:

He controls the speed of different machines operating in the organisation. He sometimes demonstrates the workers the proper speed with which the machines should operate. He undertakes proper supervision over speed of machines.

(g) Repair boss:

He is concerned with proper maintenance and repairs of machines for keeping them in working order. In the words of Spriegel, “His job of maintenance includes cleaning the machine, keeping it free from rust and scratches, oiling it properly and preserving the standards which have been set up for the auxiliary equipment connected with the machine such as belts, counter shafts and clutches.” His main task is to undertake immediate repair of the defective machines so that the work may not suffer.

(h )Inspector:

He checks and certifies the quality of work i.e., whether or not it is up to pre-determined standards. Achievement of pre-set standards is confirmed by the inspector. He develops the feeling of quality consciousness among the workers. In order to carry out his job effectively, an inspector must possess proper knowledge and the technicalities involved in quality control.

The following diagram shows Taylor’s Functional Foremanship:

Taylor's Functional Foremanship

While developing the concept of Functional Foremanship, F.W. Taylor suggested that it is unscientific to overload a foreman with entire responsibility of running a department. He advocated that direction of work should be decided by functions and not be mere authority.

He thought that to be successful in performing his duties a foreman should possess various qualities viz., education, special or technical knowledge, manual dexterity or strength, tact, energy, honesty, common sense and good health”.

Spriegel has nicely explained Functional Organization. “Each worker, instead of coming into contact with one superior, would receive his orders from a group of specialised supervisors, each of whom performs a particular function.”

Functional Organisation

Functional organisation also operates at higher level of management. The whole work in the organisation is divided in various departments. Similar type of work and transactions are put in one department under the control of a departmental manager or head. Various departments are also known as functional areas of management viz., Purchases, Sales, Finance, Production, and Personnel etc. The respective managers of these departments will be responsible for carrying out various activities of their departments in the organisation.

For example, marketing manager will be responsible for carrying out marketing activities and personnel manager will be responsible for looking after the personnel matters in all the departments of the organisation.

The underlying idea of functional organisation at the top level of management is that a subordinate anywhere in the organization will be controlled and commanded directly by number of managers operating in different departments.

Advantages of functional organisation. Following are the main benefits derived from functional organisation:

1. Specialisation:

This system derives the benefits of specialisation. As every functional incharge is an expert in his area, he will guide using his specialisation and with the help of the subordinates, try to attain the specified objectives.

2. Increased efficiency:

This type of organisation ensures enhanced efficiency as the workers operate under the expert and competent personnel and perform limited operations.

3. Limited duties:

The functional foremen have to carry out the limited number of duties concerning their area of work. This considerably reduces the burden of work and makes possible for the foreman to carry out the work in the best possible manner.

4. Scope for expansion:

Functional organisation offers a great scope for expansion of business enterprise without any dislocation and loss of efficiency as each man grows on account of his own speciality.

5. Flexibility:

It is flexible pattern of organisation. A change in organisation can be made without disturbing the whole organisation. In the words of Louis A. Allen, “Function as a whole can he cut by eliminating positions at the lower levels without seriously affecting its total performance.”

Disadvantages of Functional Organization:

Despite the above advantages, this type of organization suffers from the following disadvantages:

1. Conflict in authority:

The authority relationship violates the principle of ‘unity of command’. It creates several bosses instead of one line authority. It leads to conflict and confusion in the minds of the workers to whom they should obey and whom they should ignore.

2. Difficulty in pinpointing responsibility:

On account of the non-application of the principle of ‘unity of control’, it is very difficult for the top management to fix the responsibility of a particular foreman. There arises a tendency for shirking of responsibility.

3. Expensive:

This pattern of organisation is quite impracticable and expensive. Multiplicity of experts increases the overhead expenditure. The small organisations cannot afford to install such a system.

4. Discipline is slackened:

Discipline among the workers as well as lower supervisory staff is difficult to maintain as they are required to work under different bosses and this may hamper the progress of the organisation.

5. Lack of co-ordination:

Appointment of several experts in the organisation creates the problem of co-ordination and delay in decision-making especially when a decision requires the involvement of more than one specialist.

3. Line and Staff Organisation:

The line and staff organisation is an improvement over the above mentioned twosystems viz, line organisation and functional organisation. The line organisation concentrates too much on control whereas the functional system divides the control too much.

The need was, therefore, for a system that will ensure a proper balance between the two. The need has been fulfilled by line and staff organisation. The system like line organisation also owes its birth to army.

The commanders in the field who are line officers are assisted by the staff that helps them in formulating strategies and plans by supplying valuable information. Similarly in organisation, line officers get the advice of the staff which is very helpful in carrying on the task in an efficient manner. However, staff’s role is advisory in nature. Line officers are usually assisted by staff officers in effectively solving various business problems.

The staff is usually of three types viz: 

(a) Personal Staff:

This includes the personal staff attached to Line Officers. For example, personal assistant to general manager, secretary to manager etc. The personal staff renders valuable advice and assistance to Line Officers.

Line and Staff Organisation

(b) Specialised Staff:

This category includes various experts possessing specialised knowledge in different fields like accounting, personnel, law, marketing, etc. They render specialised service to the organisation.

For example, a company may engage a lawyer for rendering legal advice on different legal matters. Similarly, it may engage a chartered accountant and a cost accountant for tackling accounting problems.

(c) General Staff:

This comprises of various experts in different areas who render valuable advice to the top management on different matters requiring expert advice.

Advantages of Line and Staff Organization

Important advantages of Line and Staff Organisation are:

1. Specialisation:

This type of organisation is based on planned specialisation and brings about the expert knowledge for the benefit of the management.

2. Better decisions:

Staff specialists help the line manager in taking better decisions by providing them adequate information of right type at right time.

3. Lesser Burden on line officers:

The work of the line officers is considerably reduced with the help of staff officers. Technical problems and specialised matters are handled by the Staff and the routine and administrative matters are the concern of Line Officers.

4. Advancement of research:

As the work under this type of organisation is carried out by experts, they constantly undertake the research and experimentation for the improvement of the product. New and economical means of production are developed with the help of research and experimentation.

5. Training for line officer:

Staff services have proved to be an excellent training medium for Line Officers.

Disadvantages of Line and Staff Organisation:

1. Conflict between line and staff authorities:

There may be chances of conflict between line and staff authorities. Line Officers resent the activities of staff members on the plea that they do not always give correct advice. On other hand staff officials complain that their advice is not properly carried out.

2. Problems of line and staff authority:

There may be confusion on the relationship of line and staff authorities. Line Officers consider themselves superior to Staff Officers. The Staff Officers object to it.

3. Lack of responsibility:

As the staff specialists are not accountable for the results, they may not perform their duties well.

4. The system is quite expensive:

The appointment of experts involves a heavy expenditure. Small and medium size organisations cannot afford such a system.

5. More reliance on staff:

Some of the line officers excessively rely on the staff. This may considerably reduce the line control.

Wasi Rahman Sheikh
by Wasi Rahman Sheikh , Warehouse Supervisor , AL MUTLAQ FURNITURE MFG

Agree with Mr. Ahmed Mohamed answer =================

Emad Mohammed said abdalla
by Emad Mohammed said abdalla , ERP & IT Software, operation general manager . , AL DOHA Company

I fully agree with the answers been added by EXPERTS............Thanks.

by ACHMAD SURJANI , General Manager Operations , Sinar Jaya Group Ltd

Line and Staff Organization

Line and staff organization is a modification of line organization and it is more complex than line organization. According to this administrative organization, specialized and supportive activities are attached to the line of command by appointing staff supervisors and staff specialists who are attached to the line authority. The power of command always remains with the line executives and staff supervisors guide, advice and council the line executives. Personal Secretary to the Managing Director is a staff official.

                                               MANAGING DIRECTOR                                                                    Production Manager Marketing Manager Finance Manager Plant Supervisor Market Supervisor Chief Assisstant Foreman Salesman Accountant

Features of Line and Staff Organization

  1. There are two types of staff :
    1. Staff Assistants- P.A. to Managing Director, Secretary to Marketing Manager.
    2. Staff Supervisor- Operation Control Manager, Quality Controller, PRO
  2. Line and Staff Organization is a compromise of line organization. It is more complex than line concern.
  3. Division of work and specialization takes place in line and staff organization.
  4. The whole organization is divided into different functional areas to which staff specialists are attached.
  5. Efficiency can be achieved through the features of specialization.
  6. There are two lines of authority which flow at one time in a concern :
    1. Line Authority
    2. Staff Authority
  7. Power of command remains with the line executive and staff serves only as counselors.

Merits of Line and Staff Organization

  1. Relief to line of executives- In a line and staff organization, the advice and counseling which is provided to the line executives divides the work between the two. The line executive can concentrate on the execution of plans and they get relieved of dividing their attention to many areas.
  2. Expert advice- The line and staff organization facilitates expert advice to the line executive at the time of need. The planning and investigation which is related to different matters can be done by the staff specialist and line officers can concentrate on execution of plans.
  3. Benefit of Specialization- Line and staff through division of whole concern into two types of authority divides the enterprise into parts and functional areas. This way every officer or official can concentrate in its own area.
  4. Better co-ordination- Line and staff organization through specialization is able to provide better decision making and concentration remains in few hands. This feature helps in bringing co-ordination in work as every official is concentrating in their own area.
  5. Benefits of Research and Development- Through the advice of specialized staff, the line executives, the line executives get time to execute plans by taking productive decisions which are helpful for a concern. This gives a wide scope to the line executive to bring innovations and go for research work in those areas. This is possible due to the presence of staff specialists.
  6. Training- Due to the presence of staff specialists and their expert advice serves as ground for training to line officials. Line executives can give due concentration to their decision making. This in itself is a training ground for them.
  7. Balanced decisions- The factor of specialization which is achieved by line staff helps in bringing co-ordination. This relationship automatically ends up the line official to take better and balanced decision.
  8. Unity of action- Unity of action is a result of unified control. Control and its effectivity take place when co-ordination is present in the concern. In the line and staff authority all the officials have got independence to make decisions. This serves as effective control in the whole enterprise.

Demerits of Line and Staff Organization

  1. Lack of understanding- In a line and staff organization, there are two authority flowing at one time. This results in the confusion between the two. As a result, the workers are not able to understand as to who is their commanding authority. Hence the problem of understanding can be a hurdle in effective running.
  2. Lack of sound advice- The line official get used to the expertise advice of the staff. At times the staff specialist also provide wrong decisions which the line executive have to consider. This can affect the efficient running of the enterprise.
  3. Line and staff conflicts- Line and staff are two authorities which are flowing at the same time. The factors of designations, status influence sentiments which are related to their relation, can pose a distress on the minds of the employees. This leads to minimizing of co-ordination which hampers a concern’s working.
  4. Costly- In line and staff concern, the concerns have to maintain the high remuneration of staff specialist. This proves to be costly for a concern with limited finance.
  5. Assumption of authority- The power of concern is with the line official but the staff dislikes it as they are the one more in mental work.
  6. Staff steals the show- In a line and staff concern, the higher returns are considered to be a product of staff advice and counseling. The line officials feel dissatisfied and a feeling of distress enters a concern. The satisfaction of line officials is very important for effective results.

Functional Organization Structure

A functional organization structure is a hierarchical type of organization structure wherein people are grouped as per their area of specialization. These people are supervised by a functional manager who has expertise in the same field, which helps him to effectively utilize the skills of employees, which ultimately helps him in achieving the organization’s business objectives.

In this kind of organization structure, people are classified according to the function they perform in the organization. The organization chart for a functional organization structure shows you the president, vice president, finance department, sales department, customer service department, administration department, etc.

Each department will have its own department head, and he will be responsible for the performance of his section. This helps the organization control the quality and uniformity of performance.

These different departments are sometimes referred to as “silos”. This means the system is vertical and disconnected. The communication flows through the department heads to the top management.

Here all authority (i.e. budget allocation, resource allocation, decision making, etc.) stays with the functional manager. Usually the position of the project manager does not exist in this type of organization structure. Even if this position exists, the role of the project manager will be very limited and he will need permission from the functional manager to fulfill his requirements. The project manager may have the title of a coordinator or an expediter.

The functional organization structure is suitable for an organization which has ongoing operations and produces some standard products or goods, such as manufacturing and production industries.

Advantages of the Functional Organization Structure

The following are a few benefits of the functional organization structure:

  • Employees are grouped as per their knowledge and skills, which helps achieve the highest degree of performance.
  • Employees are very skilled and efficient because they are experienced in the same work and hence they perform very well.
  • Their role and responsibility is fixed, which facilitates easy accountability for the work.
  • The hierarchy is very clear, and employees don’t have to report to multiple bosses. Each employee reports to his functional manager, which reduces the communication channels.
  • There is no duplication of work because each department and each employee has a fixed job responsibility.
  • Employees feel secure, and therefore they perform well without any fear.
  • Since there is a sense of job security, employees tend to be loyal to the organization.
  • Employees have a clear career growth path.
  • Within the department, cooperation and communication is excellent.

Disadvantages of the Functional Organization Structure

The following are a few disadvantages of the functional organization structure:

  • Employees may feel bored due to the monotonous, repeated type of work and may become lazy.
  • If the performance appraisal system is not managed properly, conflicts may arise. For example, an employee may feel demoralized when a lower performing employee is promoted.
  • The cost of high skilled employee is higher.
  • The departments have a self-centered mentality. The functional manager pays more attention to only his department; he usually doesn’t care about other departments.
  • Communication is not good among the departments, which causes poor inter-department coordination. This decreases flexibility and innovation. Moreover, there is a lack of teamwork among different departments.
  • Employees may have little concerns and knowledge about anything happening outside their department. This causes obstacles in communication and cooperation.
  • The functional structure is rigid, and therefore is slow to adapt to changes.
  • Due to bureaucratic hierarchy, delays happen in decision making.
  • Generally the functional manager makes decisions autocratically without consulting the team members, hence it may not always work in favor of the organization.
  • When the organization becomes larger, functional areas can become difficult to manage due to their size. Each department will start behaving like a small company with its own facilities, culture and management style.
  • Functional departments may be distracted by their own goals, and focus on them rather than the organization’s goal.


The functional organization structure helps organizations run their business and earn profit. This type of structure suits organizations intended to produce some product or service on a continuous basis. Here, employees feel secure, perform well and tend to be highly skilled. The project manager doesn’t have any role in functional organization, and even if he exists, his role will very limited and he will be known as either the expediter or coordinator.

abdulrhman frikha

thank you for invitation .................agree with all answers here

ghazi Almahadeen
by ghazi Almahadeen , Project Facilitator , Jordan River Foundation

I agree with Mr. Ahmad answer

Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

Staff and line are names given to different types of functions in organizations. A "line function" is one that directly advances an organization in its core work. This always includes production and sales, and sometimes also marketing.

A functional organization is a common type of organizational structure in which the organization is divided into smaller groups based on specialized functional areas, such as IT, finance, or marketing.

I agree with answer Mr. Ahmad

د Waleed
by د Waleed , Management - Leadership-Business Administration-HR&Training-Customer Service/Retention -Call Center , Multi Companies Categories: Auditing -Trade -Customer service -HR-IT&Internet -Training&Consultation

Thank You for the invitation ... I will agree with answers that really covered your question ... Variety of correct info and opinions .. !

sameer abdul wahab alfaddagh
by sameer abdul wahab alfaddagh , عضو هيئة تدريس , جامعة دلمون

The first divides the organizational structure on the basis of the administrative levels of the senior management level - Central - minimumThe second divides the organizational structure on the basis of the main functions of the company such as the Financial production ..........

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