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What are the critical analysis for Spare Parts?

Question added by Miichael salviii , Sr. Operation Manager , Avana Logistek Ltd. (Transworld Group)
Date Posted: 2016/03/31
Wasi Rahman Sheikh
by Wasi Rahman Sheikh , Warehouse Supervisor , AL MUTLAQ FURNITURE MFG

Agree with Mr. Vinod =======================

Vinod Jetley
by Vinod Jetley , Assistant General Manager , State Bank of India

There are several elements involved in determining the status of repair parts in a Maintenance, Repair and Operations (MRO) supplies inventory. Some of these parts are essential to the operation of production equipment in a manufacturing plant and other parts do not have such a severe impact on the process. To determine what parts need to be held on site as critical or insurance spares, a criticality analysis of the maintainable assets is conducted to rank the probability of impact on the production process or employee safety if the equipment were to fail. In many instances the criticality analysis reveals that the probable failure of the equipment under review would have a direct impact on employee safety, environment or the ability of the production process to run effectively. When spare parts and equipment assemblies are identified as critical, the second phase of the decision process begins.A cross-functional team composed of employees from Operations, Maintenance, Engineering, Materials Management and Safety conducts the first phase of a criticality analysis. The analysis looks at the impact equipment failure would have on customer orders, time to production disruption, employee safety, environment, the ability to isolate the failed equipment, equipment history of Mean-Time-Between-Failures (MTBF), PM/PdM history and the overall predictability of failure. Each of these factors are reviewed and given a weighted score between zero and 100 that converts into a part criticality ranking as shown in the criticality index below. The scores are divided into categories which indicate the severity of failure from catastrophic to significant or insignificant. A rating of catastrophic would indicate a part or assembly is usually an item that is held in inventory; it is a critical part for a critical asset and has been identified as a safety compliance issue if it fails. A rating of significant would indicate the part is for a non-critical asset and would probably fall into the category of a normal MRO consumable item. The insignificant rating would indicate that the part was a non-critical item and not a safety concern if it failed.

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