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what's type's of electrical fault's???

Question added by Ahmad Nassar , engineering manager , Isam Khairi Kabbani- KSA
Date Posted: 2013/09/20

-defauts entre phase-terre

-defauts entre-phases

-desequilibre des cournts ou des tensions

-sous tension

-sur tension

-sous frequence

-sur frequence

-echauffement thermique

-ouverture de circuit

-tension de pas

-onde de choc


Muaaz Sarfaraz
by Muaaz Sarfaraz , MSc Intern Data Science , Green Tomato Cars UK

It will be better if you elaborate which machine/zone/scenario you are talking about in case of electrical fault:


1.Short Circuit fault  : that can be more categorized as Line to Line fault , Double LIne ground fault , single line ground fault 

2. Open Circuit Fault on Transmission Line

3. Over load fault on machine or transmission line

4. Thermal Overload

5. Negative Sequence Fault ,

6. Unbalanced loading on a transformer or generator (3 phase)


And many many more ..... please elaborate us which sectors faults you are interested in.


Thank You

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